At 123,000, I had a coolant leak and spent $600+ plus for repairs. Makes no sense very inconvenient! KentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouri IF SO…..THEN THERE SHOULD BE SOME RECALLS OR LIKE OTHERS ON HERE……LEMON LAW EVERY ONE OF THEM!! GM needs to take responsibility for these coolant leak/fan problems and replace them for free with ‘real’ metal parts. I could keep going but I’m probably going to run out of room. Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Cruze … The cooling fan has an attendance to act in all kinds of funny ways. You can always come up with a different drain plug that is more efficient and stronger. Have my 2014 Chevy Cruze, bought in 2017 and it has been the worst since the first year. I just got my 2011 cruze feb 15th and i already had to take it into the shop for almost 900 dollars of repair. These owner problems and complaints may include: Among the problems reported by Chevrolet Cruze owners includes: Excessive engine oil consumption. Unfortunately, Chevy designed this turbo system with the bypass valve built into the turbo housing so you can’t just change the valve, but that could be a good thing. Some 2011-2014 model year Chevrolet Cruze vehicles and some 2012-2014 Chevrolet Sonic vehicles with the 1.4L engine may have an engine coolant leak from the water pump. Needless to say that it began using water and not eating to start up Kelly having to get a jump start with on 40,000 miles on this car it’s now in the shop having diagnostics ran on it. General Motors has decided that there will be no 2020 Chevy Cruze sold in America. 2013 Chevy Cruze 1.4 LT – New water pump, outlet, upper hose and radiator hoses, new reservoir and new thermostat housing all from autozone. The good news is with the right tools and know-how, you could make this a DIY problem or take it to a dealership or repair shop, and it shouldn’t take too long to fix. I have so much regret. This is a record of safety issues for vehicles of this year, make, model and trim. Leak appears after vehicle is heated, driven, then appears during cool down and is isolated to water pump area. Dealer covered the water pump for the second time. Other problems include a bad transmission control module on the diesel 9-speed shiftable automatic transmission. This is the second time I’ll be taking it in for the coolant leak from water pump to be fixed. (function(){for(var g="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(b,c,a){if(a.get||a.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters. If you smell coolant or see a puddle under your Chevrolet Cruze, it is essential that you get to a General … A Chevrolet Cruze Coolant Leak Diagnosis costs between $44 and $56 on average. Dorman makes good updated parts to fix the issues so hopefully won’t have to replace them again anytime soon. Engine or Transmission oil leaks. 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I have a 2015 Chevy Cruze it has been to the dealer 3x now for coolant issues just 2 months ago they told me it was a hose now in December still smelling antifreeze look under hood to see coolant almost gone after he had me do a coolant flush which was a waste of $259 just to flow out the car now it’s the reservoir which isn’t covered under warranty to be a amount of $560 for a piece of plastic container is this covered under lemon law? 1 800 LEMON LAW has successfully resolved a number of Chevrolet Cruze antifreeze leak cases. The car leake coolant The Chevy Cruze also reportedly had oil leaks from the engine, cooler lines, and transmission seals. If you are a vehicle owner, search for recalls by your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). 1 800 LEMON LAW has successfully resolved a number of Chevrolet Cruze antifreeze leak cases. 2013 cruze. To this day i still have a coolant leak and many other issues with my 2012 Chevy Cruze. Richard L. April 10, 2020 212 Views 1 Answer Wayne A. answered on April 10, 2020 there is a water pump recall on the 2014 chevy cruze as the water pump may leak coolant… In 2013 I bought my daughter a new Chev Sonic and in 2014 bought myself a new Cruze. Coolant can leak from the reservoir or from the hoses in 2011 cruzes with the 14 liter engine coolant leaks are most likely to occur where the hoses … The PCV valves and PCV systems have also given people a lot of problems. In their story, two consumers suffered severe medical issues because of the antifreeze leak while operating the Chevrolet Cruze. I have to agree with everyone else on here that the cruze is junk and GM needs to recall every make amd model of the cruze. On the newer models with the aluminum thermostat housing they installed many of these … 2012 Chevy Cruze purchased in August 2012. Chevy Cruze transmission problems are one of the most documented complaints about the popular sedan. Kimmel & Silverman, P.C. Thermostat housing has now developed a pinhole leak. In California, your attorney’s fees are … And we continue receiving calls from clients about the Chevrolet Cruze antifreeze leak in 2014-2016 models. Now another hose is leaking coolant am I the only one with this problem? I bought a 2008 Impala and put over 250K miles with only regular maintenance . I had a recall on a coolant leak at the pump. AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of Columbia Bryan P. answered on April 9, 2020 The antifreeze recall on a chevy cruze is related to the coolant leaking from the thermostat housing. Also, other people reported and documented this unexplainable problem: When they hit the brakes the dashboard goes wild and the radio shuts off, when they start to accelerate again, the dashboard goes back to normal and the radio comes back on. In both 2012 and 2013, we previously addressed the antifreeze leak problem and received over a hundred responses from consumers experiencing the same issue. Thank heaven I purchased a extended warranty.The service rep at my local dealership told me this is a common problem! … Chevrolet Cruze Engine Cooling Fan Module. 2017 So out of pocket cost to fix. Low Engine Coolant– If there is not enough coolant to properly cool the engine, it’ll overheat and blow the head gasket. It started leaking from the outlet/ thermostat housing when the warranty was in effect, but the hose was the only thing replaced. There have been more than just a few complaints and recalls on these car models. Temperature would drop and start blowing out cold air when heat was turned on. 2013 cruze. 57.000 miles JUNK. Many owners of Chevrolet Cruze vehicles enjoy an incredibly smooth ride and a silent cabin space when operating the car. It has just made 100 000km. Chevy Cruze Blown Head Gasket Causes While there are many reasons that your Cruze… I Have many work orders concerning the coolant leak, thermostat replaced turbo replaced etc. In fact, a lot of experts say to steer clear of the first-generation Cruzes even if you’re going to get a good deal on one. Low engine coolant can be both the cause and a symptom of a blown head gasket. Now I’m suspecting we have a 4th issue with the coolant leaking all over. This subcompact car combines the quality, value, and great performance inherent in every Chevrolet vehicle. We took the car in to be serviced because of a coolant link. Please help, Have a 2016 cruze kike everybody else leakage in the plastic housing also gas fuel pump not acting properly is this under the lemon law, 2016 Chevy Cruze Lt water pump went out and overheated without warning during summer! View your Chevy vehicle's specific recall information and active notifications at the Chevrolet Owner Center. 2015 Chevrolet Cruze cooling system problems with 6 complaints from Cruze owners. About a month and a half ago I had taken my Cruze in for service where I was purchased my 2011 chevy Cruze. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}}function B(){var b={},c;c=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(!c.length)return{};var a=c[0];if(! This is a common problem (well, one of many) with the Cruze. I have 127k miles never had a problem until the last couple months. Engine overheating. Tip: Before any rebuilding or replacing of your transmission starts, you should check or at least make sure your auto technician checks the transmission fuse and checks to make sure your transmission fluid is not dark black and thick. This is absolutely ridiculous!!! It has just made 100 000km. So I make him take it to the GM place to have the car inspected; $1500 later…Assured the problem was fixed. Viewed 154 times 1. PCV valve(which is the whole value cover cause the plastic junk is all one piece)…wheel psi sensors going bad more than once….the headlight marker lenes broke for whatever reason so they’re floating around inside the “sealed” headlight assemblies. Car has always smelled like coolant through the vents since repair.