GF and I both showered, then we conked out on the bed, about 11:45. He follows up with "oh I'm sorry I'm not gay or anything". It's a decent job for someone who has no living arrangements or transportation, which was his situation. In reality, the couple was enjoying some naked alone time, which my mother and the security guard were now witnesses to. Then you empty the trash cans and look for any other trash in the room. I looked up at her and I thought "... youuuuuuu....", 3) Wedding party had a fight on the 8th floor. r/HotelHorrorStories: A subreddit where you can post horror stories from hotels you've stayed at. I was probably twelve or thirteen at the time, and was staying at a hotel with my parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin, who's a year older than I … Housekeeping was so understaffed it ended up just being me & my sister-il, everyone else quit. Had a severely disabled man wander out of his room. All the towels were soaked with it. Worked a couple years as a clerk in a one of a kind hotel. I leave, go pack up the car quick, pick up GF and put her in the car (still asleep) and get the fuck out of there. save. I put on my gloves and disposed of the blood soaked pods. 10 Reddit Travel Horror Stories That’ll Keep You Up At Night Many would like you to believe that the scariest stories are full of vengeful spirits, but anyone with a passport can tell you what really makes a person tremble with fear… Went to clean a room one day. Out of my time there, only one story still haunts me. I want to apologize to the hotel worker who had to clean up after me and my girlfriend after our drunken escapades in 2015. People calling on Valentine's Day about noise complaints. I showed her the tampons and after a long moment of silence she said “you go get the next room and I’ll take care of this.” So off I went to the next room. Instead he abducted her, carried her to an abandoned hotel and raped her. Fast forward an hour or so and he needs a ride home. We had this security guard, who was a really nice guy to be fair, but had some pretty big issues that, had the company known about them, would have caused him never to be hired. Hotel stays can sometimes take a turn for the worse. A wedding guest needed a new key. I used to work in a hotel, not as an employee, but as a job coach for a disabled man who was employed there to clean the dining room and front offices for 2 hours a day. All the trash cans were empty so I didn’t need to replace them. When I was 15 I got a job at a hotel as a laundry boy. Photo credit: Imgur. Says I have a nice ass but he's not gay and keeps with the whole "being friendly" thing. I went into the bathroom and non of the towels had been used. He threw car keys in my face. M = mom, EB = entitled bridezilla My mom is answering some text service questions, and so begins the saga of the bridezilla who apparently thought everyone should be doing absolutely everything for her, possibly up to and … I worked as a maid in a hotel once. I'm in the bathroom getting done up when I hear the door to the hotel room open. I worked graveyard for a while. Sweet! It was there state championship. Trash was everywhere except the trash cans. Several Reddit users shares stories about creepy workers and rooms that were out of a horror film. Ally Hickson. We met this particular security guard on my mother's first day, after he had been working/living there for a few weeks. I got called to take some bags to a room around 4am. Posted by 3 years ago. Within two days, the thread has drawn more than 5,500 comments.. Close. So, this happened quite a few years ago. The moved on to the pillow cases and when I removed the pillow about ten condoms (all used to the max) popped out of the first one. A couple wet towels and occasionally a few beer bottles left on the counter. Another guest not part of the wedding ended up getting involved in the fight and beating down father of the bride (trust me, the father deserved it. About 22 years ago, my then-girlfriend and I were on a nowhere-in-particular-to-go road trip. My stepdad works security at a high end hotel and resort and he's seen some pretty nasty suicides in the rooms. I was in the tiny overheated laundry room folding some towels when my manager told me to “strip rooms” she gave me a list of room, garbage bags, and some latex gloves. Featured image credit: Facebook. Pulled the bedding off one bed, went to the other one and halfway down, the bed was soaked in blood. I got to the beds and both were soaked a reeked to high heaven. Never found out where it came from. He offers to cut my hair at a discount and I oblige. As many hotels do nowadays, the property has a service where you can text your questions and employees in many departments can see them and respond accordingly. The previous owner papered EVERY wall and CEILING! Wait how did the manager know which guest it was? I wish I had been satisfied with my innocence and just have merrily scrolled away but noooooooooooooo...I had to Google. Then they rented it out again, never even happened. Estelle. Two days ago, someone started an online discussion thread on Reddit, the US social news site, asking hotel staff to reveal secrets.. True Horror Stories from Reddit Didn't go to hotel swimming pools for a long time after this. He finally went in his room, and I called my SIL to come stay with me until I was done. I wake up. Sadly, real life does not always gift you the luxury of having a fairy tale wedding that goes off without a hitch, and these horror stories from Reddit just go to prove it. Then leaves without paying, 2). Nonsexual, just vaguely under age-ish looking girl on exercise bikes, and lifting barbells. When you strip a room you go to the bathroom and grab all the towels on the floor and ones that look like they might have been used. He talks about how he worked as hair and makeup for Disney. Had another room check in and come right back down. This story has been shared 830 times. The poor guy was in shock, 7). He walked around conducting searches of trash cans and undersides of vehicles because he wasn't allowed to actually check inside a person's car. Thousands of people around the world have been sharing their most terrifying real-life horror stories on Reddit. If we hadn't been so crazy tired from all the driving, it would have been more. My cleaning partner and I entered a room that was currently empty. So I opened the door, and less than 3 feet from me was a tall, ass naked guy, standing in front of the mirror watching himself smoking dope. A man came up to me, with a totally normal look on his face. A guest was being such a dick to me one time that I actually lost my shit and started yelling at him. I think we were somewhere in Nebraska - it was one of those states that seems to be about 90% corn. He barely even glanced at me or anything, I just said sorry and shut the door. One screen is showing surveillance from inside our room. H bear. My mother and I both worked for this company, she as a manager and myself as sort of an occasional night manager if she was out of the district. 42. 10 Hotel ZaZa’s Room 322. I think it was of questionable legality. The rest of the rooms on my list belonged to the wrestlers. There were a number of young-ish women, who looked about mid-teen in years, working out in a gymnasium, nude. I started to clean. T he world is full of mysteries, murders, and deeply disturbing true stories. (I should have locked myself in a room, but my instinct was to run). Whether it's a messy room, unruly guests, or general grossness, these peoples' horrible hotel horror stories might make you want to be extra careful when booking your next hotel visit. Every time I opened there rooms it was the same thing. A subreddit where you can post horror stories from hotels you've stayed at. The moment she walked in she turned bright red and called the front desk to “find who the fuck trashed room (I don’t remember)” turned out that it was a high school wrestling team. level 1. She stopped and called out for me to come with her (I was looking around at the sketchy fall-down place). And solid looking. What the guest failed to tell us, was that the toilet overflowing was covered in human feces. It was all over the floors, flowing out into the lobby at this point. So I went to the bed. "There's some kind of banging noise going on in the room above me, and I don't know why!". I'm groggy, don't really know what is happening. The guy. The man checked out that evening. There's a dude at the desk inside, and he is HUGE, terrifyingly so. She shares her story and photos for the first time. I worked at a beach hotel. When I got to the first floor, the creep was already walking towards me. A heartbroken man has revealed how he discovered his wife's 18-month affair in the most unlikely way: through their bedroom fan.. We finally got an answer. Last I heard about this fellow, he had been arrested for attempting to get a local mechanic to install police cruiser lights onto his Ford Explorer and becoming violent when they did not comply. I'm a guy. No. The most frightening thing to happen to me there, I was alone on 2nd floor with about 20 rooms to do. She said she was a squirter. She had to be escorted away. There were a lot of apologies and formal complaints following this event, plus an incident report due to the guard entering a locked room without following procedures. Every day was pretty routine, starting the same way each day and ending the same. I called my manager. report. To our shock and horror, we saw two elderly women, both of whom had to be in their 80's, walk inside the room. The porn was... weird. Mentions he checks me out when I work. And the world has been able to watch true horror stories play out in real time, right on their computer screen. He never actually said any words, as far as I can remember. I also rigged the windows with some plastic cups so that if the windows opened, the cups would squish and make some noise. Needless to say, it was a little awkward trying to explain what a blumpkin was to a man with the understanding of an 8 year old when the manager is going around the office telling anyone and everyone on duty who wold listen, what happened. 2. I worked at a super 8. So I told him it was a sex a t that wasn't appropriate to discuss at work. They were vaguely robotic looking, as if they were acting badly (I took in only about 8 - 10 seconds of the porn, but the images have stuck with me over the years). 15 Horror Stories About Working In Hotels That’ll Make You Gag. Press J to jump to the feed. Some discount. Had a lady have a screaming fit in front of a full lobby trying to check in because I "refused" to honor a $2 off coupon. From piles of poop to beds full of cole slaw, you can't make this shit up. It was just assumed that the person who reported it was the blumpkin recipient? She was not. It was obvious that someone had used it. It was late when we went in and GF started walking towards the reception room. So he stops outside a couple's door and decides that they're arguing, and radios my mother to let her know they'd be escorting them out for domestic violence. Some of the confessions are priceless. The whole brawl started when he beat his wife in front of his kids). They got there and snaked the toilet and among the massive dump this person must have taken, they found a condom that had gotten stuck in the pipes too. I assume he had gone down the stairs, I needed to get more supplies from the storage room (which you have to walk past the stairs to get to). Someone asked Reddit: "people who work in high class restaurants and hotels, what is the most ridiculous, stereotypical 'rich person' thing you've ever experienced someone has done?" Well one day, the housekeeping staff was completely understaffed, and they asked is if we could go clean the lobby restroom, because someone reported a toilet overflowed and water was coming out. The good people of the internet are no different. I couldn't bring myself to tell him exactly what it was, but he is an adult who asked me a question and I have to answer his questions truthfully, and treat him like any other adult. His father drowned. 830 Stream It Or Skip It: 'Squared Love' on Netflix, a Polish Rom-Com About a … 10 True Scary PARANORMAL Ghost Horror Stories From Reddit (Vol. So I walked in. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Needed one anyway. He raped a girl at a party once but the charges were dropped because he was our high school's "star" running back. I knocked, waited and entered. He's in charge of the \"new\" construction – converting the kitchen in to the master bedroom for instance, while I'm on wallpaper removal duty. I want to call shenanigans but this is just a great story, so fuck it, upvote for you. I called the manager. Most of us have at least one good horror story to share at a party or on a dark night around the campfire. So I ran right past him & yelled my SIL's name. I tell them the story, get my key working finally. As I'm passing the stairs, there's the creep standing there on the top steps, staring at me & acting like he's blocking the stairs. Uh. He was just out diving with his dad and he blurted out "my dad didn't come back up." there is a guy in my area who is notorious for going to various hotels, trashing the room, whoring out his wife, and breaking various things in the room (tv's, air conditioners, etc) and then calling corporate and saying "they checked me into a room with a broken tv!" He "did things he's not proud of to get to where he is." I don't know about you but I kinda make a game of peelin… Advertisement My first two rooms were simple. Cool whatever, it's general banter. My first day was probably my most memorable. We were both very, very creeped out when we discussed this in our room. The room was $102, she paid $100 and got change. But a few hours later as I was finishing my last rooms, I heard someone down the hall, so I looked & there he was standing at his door just staring at me. She started screaming like a banshee in the middle of the lobby about how she "never" screamed last night and was wrongfully kicked out. I almost vomited. There was fresh blood all over the bed. It was quite the opposite of the last room. My dad also worked there and insisted that this be my first job. Never saw him again. There are a couple of things that have always stuck with me that still give me the creeps when I think about it. The manager was furious and contacted the guest and was threatening to bill the cost of the plumbers to his credit card for damages. The guy is wearing jogging pants, and clearly has an erection. I take the key and we go outside. He just looked beatific the whole time. There was no fighting, not even an argument going on. He walked out of the side door and took off. I'm startled by this, & my reaction was to run to the end of the hall and to go down the side stairs to get to my SIL. Of course, we had a laugh about it and started joking about what kind of people were staying here. He was SO BIG. All were arrested; an entire floor had to be comped, 4). This creepy ass guy walks up behind me & is going towards the stairs, but he makes it obvious that he's leering at me. I mean, good for them for still getting some, but I will never get the thought of what they were doing out of my head. I leaned our (very large) suitcases up against the door, and put a vase on the suitcases so that if the door were to open, the vase would fall. Was 'American Horror Story' Season 5 Filmed at the Cecil Hotel? I'm no slouch in the big-guy department either - this guy towered over me by about 10 or 12 inches, which would have made him at least 7 feet tall, and probably had 100 - 150 pounds on me, and he looked like he was... extruded... from some sort of tree. We tried to clean it up, but it was so bad they had to call a plumber. I was glad he had grown up to be a crackhead. The room was verified clean by 3 people before being put in service and the key card reader said no one was in. This guy, as nice as he was, was deluded into thinking that he was a police officer. Was 'American Horror Story' Season 5 Filmed at the Cecil Hotel? They didn't even care, they were more worried about the key throwing, 6). The one screen still has (the same) porn. Whatever. Removing it is brutal, but oddly satisfying. 1,855. Reddit’s /r/nosleep community is known for crafting some of the most horrifying creepypasta — short, online works of horror posed as true stories. Press J to jump to the feed. I sit down and a few minutes later room service shows with wings and shit. share. One room checked in and came back down immediately. I knocked on the door “House keeping!” No response. This is going to be a little different than the other threads here, but still the worst experience I ever had working for an extended stay hotel. He hooked up with an old coworker … then got a picture of a sonogram. He thankfully was satisfied with that answer and didn't ask anymore questions. My boss came out and this girl was so crazy, that even my boss, the one who always knows what to do, didn't even know what to say. So when we left the room, we made sure to look out in the hallway when we were cleaning other rooms, hoping to see who would go into the video room. Another was not so gruesome, but was kind of a big deal at the time: a (local) politician overdosed on drugs and hung himself in the closet. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Illustrated by Natalia Spotts. Archived. 8 Cringeworthy Honeymoon Stories We Found On Reddit. In this room we found many sets of lingerie, some "toys" and a video camera in the middle of the room. One of the guys who's a regular becomes a toddler and just makes a fucking mess slamming wings down. Turns out he hired a hooked to give him a blumpkin in the lobby restroom. To this day I still have no clue why they didn't do that in the room he was already paying for, and why he flushed the stupjd condom with trashcan near the front. Alesha’s body was found within 3 hours of her being reported missing on 2 July 2018. But the bed was wet anyway. In 2013, guests staying at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles complained to management that the hotel’s drinking water tasted weird. She gets in the elevator and makes her way to the room, right as the security guard busts into the room. Pulled the covers off so I could grab the pillow cases and bed sheets and that’s where it went from a “easy” room to a “what the fuck is that? But room three is where shit hit the fan. Never crossed my mind. ... See more of the Reddit thread here. The second thing to happen, I knocked on a door several times & announced myself, but no reply. Sort by. We got curious and wanted to find out. I decide to go grab a drink and get some ice from the foyer. The guy I sat next to was cool enough at first. Previous guest had gotten diarrhea and simply made the bed over it. Hotel workers of Reddit, what are your horror stories? best. One of the guys turned out to be a bully from high school. Tourists reveal their biggest travel horror stories from 14 different countries. And it was $60. I checked in a guy who just started vomitting, spontaneously, and mid-sentence, 5). Every thing looked normal. I have thick skin and can hold a conversation with just about anyone. Finally my manager came to see how I was doing after dealing with the last room. — Reddit user PeanutPhotography. I couldn't wait to check out and won't return to that property again." 80% Upvoted. WE HEAR nightmare stories of bedbugs ravaging travellers in hotels, staff walking in uninvited and even people filming through the peepholes. I hope you all enjoyed this podcast and if you did please leave me a review! Hi guys, here are 5 scary stories for you to relax to. So we walk in, and ask for a room. They fought in a girly, slap fight style but with closed fists. What happened to the son whose father drowned? Housekeeper didn't remake the already made bed. Big dude is not around. This thread is archived. I look down and notice only one screen, because it is pornographic (more on this). Guest sat down in it, it went right thru the comforter into her white pants. One screen is showing surveillance from the parking lot. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I didn't know that she had been kicked out the night before for screaming at the other bridesmaids like A lunatic. I was convinced I was going to get fired, so I talked to my boss the next day admitting what I had done. She ran up and saw the ten inflated and soiled condoms on the bed. He was fired after a similar incident occurred a couple weeks later. Going that way anyway. GF is short, and didn't see over the desk so didn't see the porn. On 9/11, Sydney woman Penny saw the first plane hit the World Trade Centre from her hotel room across the road. This is actually one of the shorter and less horrific ones. I wasn't just frustrated - I was legit mouthing off. Eventually he gets into the mindset that he's going to linger outside rooms to listen in to conversations so he could execute a drug raid or something. I come into work one day and this really nice, sweet looking woman is checking out. 34 comments. The smell was horrible. I had no idea where he was supposed to be or what to do with him, so I wrapped him in a blanket and just kept checking on him til his care takers found him in the morning. Blood everywhere, poor housekeeper who found her was traumatized. TL;DR: some possible gay hairdresser did my hair and made it clear he's not gay. We were chatting and he pats my leg as a result of a joke or something. You put them on the bed and then rap the sheets making it one big ball of cloth. Read 'em and weep (or laugh). Sure. I'm off. Ahead, we've rounded up some of the craziest, funniest, saddest, and most insane wedding horror stories we found on Reddit. The best feeling is getting a long peel, similar to your skin when you're peeling from a sunburn. I'm sure she was totally telling the truth, 8). SIL had front desk & half of the 1st floor, I took the remaining 1st half & the 2nd floor. Very rarely would we get asked to do something he didn't do on a regular basis. 3:30 am. Did you at least make sure to give their toys a quick wipe down before you left their room? A picture of a sonogram isn't what most people want to ... renting a hotel room and having some fun. Share your stories in the comments below! I decide to look over at the CCTVs on the desk, see what's what, because they're still on. Looked down and noticed huge patches of blood on the carpet. One was a woman who slit her wrists in the bed, crawled to the bathroom and into the tub before slitting her throat. He came up, looked around and told me to clean a different room. He ended up coloring my hair without my knowledge or permission because "it would look good on you". He then applied pressure to her face and neck until she stopped breathing. There's literally nothing else for me to do. The manager ended up telling the company an unknown person flooded the toilet, didn't mention the condom, and it was paid for by the hotel. Ok. Whatever. !” There were used tampons all over the bed. The porn was SO WEIRD. Thanks guys. It's a fun story and pretty harmless. The people staying there had stepped out earlier, however we didn't see them. Her husband was humiliated and everyone ended up laughing her out after she demanded a refund. This story has been shared 1,855 times. Looking at the camera and realizing that someone had watched us fucking SLEEP. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Have you got any convention horror stories? It was more than a little bit weird. I called the cops and they were given trespasses and removed from the property. We bought an old house, my boyfriend and I. Just feel weird. Maybe. Here's a sampling of some favorites -- but please note that Tnooz hasn't independently verified the truth of any of these claims. We stopped somewhere for the night, at this little podunk motel that had only 5 or 6 rooms available because we were tired and needed to stop (we'd been driving for almost 2 days, switching back and forth, mostly not stopping). Let’s just say from that day forward I don’t sleep in hotel beds and I bring a cot if I have to stay at a hotel. The guy smiles, nods, writes some things on the desk, takes my cash, hands us a key. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There was blood, screaming, fighting, and glass bottles being thrown at people's doors. Did you ever find out what happened in the room? I had a couple of crack heads fighting one another in our lobby. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Once I get to the room they invite me in to hang out. There're TVs on the desk, 4 or 5 of them, like stereotypical CCTV displays from the 80s. I pull up her reservation and it says "ROOM MUST BE PUT OUT OF ORDER IMMEDIATELY AFTER CHECK OUT, GUEST GOT DRUNK AND VOMITED AND DEFECATED ALL OVER THE ROOM". I was a housekeeper at a knock off Super 8 for about two years. This makes me feel better about the time my boyfriend and I forgot half a case of beer in a room and left a few empty wine bottles on the nightstand. 10 Unsettling Real-Life Horror Stories. Hotel workers of Reddit, what are your horror stories? If that was me I would have torn ass out of that bathroom at the speed of light. That room was vacant for a day or so and then some people in hazmat suits came in and cleaned it up. hide. In.the bathroom, blood was everywhere, floor, bathtub, sink, toilet. I convinced them I had another credit card at my hotel. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. By Patricia Kozicka Global News Posted April 8, 2016 12:37 pm . GF is fast asleep on the bed. Found between the sheets: note left in bed sparks hotel horror stories.