The sighting was backed up by several others in a long comment thread on the post. Please see the discussion at talk:Thunderbird_(disambiguation). Thunderbird is a term adopted from Native American culture. Is the Thunderbird real or myth? However, this isn’t the first time Alaska’s “Thunderbird” made headlines by any means. The thunderbird is a legendary creature in certain North American indigenous peoples' history and culture. In other words, there is quite a history of such reports in Alaska, as well as an existing basis in folklore among Native American traditions (and much the same can be said of the American Sasquatch). As far as any species of bird that might be a better fit for the massive size of that reported by Bauer and others in Alaska over the years, wandering albatross, whose wingspan can reach up to around 11 feet, might be a candidate. The Coupchiak sighting hadn’t been the only observation of this massive bird. Alaska Sightings 1950: A major Air Force encounter with a UFO in Alaska Orbman 7 years ago (Last Updated On: February 24, 2019) THINK ABOUTIT UFO SIGHTING REPORT. It was very concerning. According to her, as she was driving down the road a “huge black bird” appeared overhead and sported a wingspan which she estimated to be “at least 20 feet. A tale comes out of the Arizona Territory desert about two cowboys who encountered the giant flying creature in 1890. Thunderbirdis a term used incryptozoologyto describe large, bird-like creatures, generally identified with theThunderbirdofNative Americantradition. In 2002, a new sighting in Alaska was announced; the most probable explanation was a stray Steller's Sea Eagle. 5 witness total and not a sound was heard. You wouldn’t want to have your children out.”. In the Native culture, this was a symbol of a supernatural bird with special powers. Looking further back, the Pelagornis sandersi, an ancient bird with a wingspan of as much as 24 feet, might be a better candidate, if not for the fact that it hasn’t existed since the Oligocene. It was described as having no feathers but a smooth skin and wings "composed of a thick and nearly transparent membrane." Thunderbird Sightings. John Bouker, a pilot who had been skeptical of the reports, eventually saw the massive bird himself. CryptoZooNews. Witness report: Lights sightly hovering then descend to ground. "It was extremely loud, and I glanced up and saw a huge black bird," Anthony said in his report. The Thunderbird of the Maritimes. Looking up, the witness saw what appeared to be a bird that had a wingspan of an estimated 10 to 15 feet and a head about three feet long. I’ve begun looking for evidence of thunderbird sightings in media, focusing in particular in local newspapers. One recent case I found, which occurred in Alaska, was very interesting. Other witnesses in the region described their encounters with the large bird, some of them dating back several years. It was very concerning. The Thunderbird also appears in the mythology of the natives of the Atlantic Northeast. ... being the namesake of an essential element and a planet of our Solar System. This thing was HUGE, almost the size of a small airplane. One recent case I found, which occurred in Alaska, was very interesting. As cowboys are wont to do, they took careful aim with their rifles at the amazing creature and blasted it from the sky. The real story, as the cowboy told the youth, was that the creature they shot at had a wingspan of 20 to 30 feet. The witness's attention was drawn to the sky by a sound that resembled "flags flapping in a thunderstorm." Get the MegaPack collection now for this great price. ... Sightings in Alaska. It has become a popular catch-all term for all giant flying birds seen by people that are of unexplained origins. Which are still not dinosaurs! It has become a popular catch-all term for all giant flying birds seen by people that are of unexplained origins. Along these same lines of reasoning, we find similar instances of larger species variation among other creatures in the region, right down to the northwestern giant salamanders, which Darren Naish discussed a while ago on his blog at Scientific American. Here's what people think happened. Other sightings of enormous birds in New Mexico, Alaska, Texas and Pennsylvania have been reported in recent years. Discussion forums, technical forums, production data, photos, modifications, performance enhancements, accessories and more. The largest scientifically recognized bird in North America is the California condor, with a wingspan of up to 10 feet. Thunderbird is a term adopted from Native American culture. Again, the creature's wingspan was estimated to be 15 to 17 feet and was described as "dark gray with little or no neck, and a circle of black under its head. From the numerous stories of the Thunderbird, it is often assumed that Thunderbird is a protector – though at times this creature can be forced to punish those of low moral integrity. One recent case I found, which occurred in Alaska, was very interesting. Is the Thunderbird real or myth? ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A giant winged creature, like something out of Jurassic Park, has reportedly been sighted several times in Southwest Alaska in recent weeks. [9] The Anchorage Daily News reported witnesses describing the creature like something out of the movie Jurassic Park . Thunderbird is a term adopted from Native American culture. The most recent sightings of a Thunderbird occurred on: – October 2002, seen by residents in the villages of Togiak and Manokotak, Alaska, who reported the creature having a wingspan of 14 feet, making it the size of a small airplane; According to her, as she was driving down the road a "huge black bird" appeared overhead and sported a wingspan which … Below is a narrative of what she told me. In his book Unexplained!, Jerome Clark lists many more sightings, including: The most terrifying story about giant birds is that they occasionally attempt to carry away small animals and even children. “[The bird is] huge, he’s huge, he’s really, really big,” Bouker told reporters in 2002. In the Native culture, this was a symbol of a supernatural bird with special powers. While Thunderbirds are mainly consider a myth by many, reports of these large birds have been documented for a very long time. Discover an authentic Along with the aforementioned Stellar’s eagle, larger instances of fauna in the region range from the Alaska moose (Alces alces gigas), which is recognized as the largest subspecies of moose in North America, to the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and the kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi), each of which rank among the largest ursine species on the planet. Directed by Beth Pacunas. It was not a raven or an eagle. Clearly, their description more readily resembles a pteranodon, pterosaur, or pterodactyl than a large bird. My wife told me of an experience she had recently while heading to the camp of the hunting club that her and our son-in-law belong to. ", The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times, The Yeti: Legend, Lore, and Climbing Mystery, Ship Rock: Sacred Navajo Peak in New Mexico, Near-Death Experiences: Glimpses of the Afterlife. We might do well to stop calling them monsters, though, and recognize that while they may seem larger than life, descriptions of them bear similarities to things we find in the fossil record; there are also similarities in terms of their reported size, and that of other members of mammalian families in areas where they are seen. They did not kill the Thunderbird, however, and returned to town only with their fantastic story. Anchorage Daily News. Writing about the recent Alaskan incidents at his Cryptozoo News blog, Loren gave some historical context for the recent sightings near Juneau: “The late cryptozoologist Mark A. Thunderbird Sighting From Oklahoma!- We recently got in a Thunderbird report. With the prevalence of environmental factors (such as a cold, moist climate) that contribute to the appearance of larger animals, one presumption in relation to reports of “Thunderbirds” could be that if such a species were going to be found anywhere in the world, then the Pacific Northwest and Alaska are among the most likely locations it will be found. This item appeared in the July 28, 1977, edition of the Boston Evening Globe: Other abduction stories include that of a 42-pound five-year-old girl named Svanhild Hansen who, in June 1932, was carried away by a "huge eagle" from her parents' farm in Leka, Norway. Thunderbird Spotted in Alaska? I’ve never seen anything like that.” The incident occurred just before sunset, at around 4 PM local time. And let us not forget, of course, the modern reports, and existing indigenous folklore, concerning the region’s most famous cryptid: Bigfoot. An interesting point I’ve often tried to raise in relation to sightings of large creatures in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska is that, while the assertion that “giant” instances of various animals may seem like a sensational trope in American folklore (and especially in cryptozoology), it is actually a common feature in relation to animals in this region, too. A famous incident involving a similar report of a large bird occurred on July 25, 1977, which involved a 1–year-old boy named Marlon Lowe. Hall documented in his book Thunderbirds: America’s Living Legends of Giant Birds (2004) that ethnographic and anthropological investigations published in 1870, 1874, 1881, and 1904 told of Thunderbird reports in Alaska. 5 witness total and not a sound was hear. ZXCVBNM 21:30, 22 October 2019 (UTC) The late cryptozoologist Mark A. The thunderbird is a legendary creature in certain North American indigenous peoples' history and culture. These 3 mystical spirits, the thunderbird, underwater panther, and great horned serpent are said to control different aspects of our world such as the underworld. In recent decades, their populations have undergone several changes in abundance beginning with a >55% decline from over 100,000 birds in 1964 to less than 45,000 in 1986. ... Sightings in Alaska. It is considered a supernatural being of power and strength. The wingspan had to be at-least 20 feet, it was almost as wide as the road. My wife's sighting/experience happened this past Thanksgiving Day (2020). This obvious concern about children being easily snatched by a bird this large was expressed by many who claimed to see the creature, and perhaps it is not without merit. It has become a popular catch-all term for all giant flying birds seen by people that are of unexplained origins. Guided Land Tours. - UtherSRG 20:11, 10 Jan 2004 (UTC) Although the text removed is recording sightings of doubtful scientific accuracy, in my opinion that is not enough reason to remove them. John Bouker, a pilot who had been skeptical of the reports, eventually saw the massive bird himself. Sightings of Champ (known as Tatoskok by the Abenaki Native Americans living in the area) date all the way back to when the lake’s namesake, … These were not the first sightings of Thunderbirds in Pennsylvania, and if these reports are accurate, these birds are the largest flying creatures not yet identified by science. Unfortunately, the girl did not survive the ordeal, and her badly mutilated body was discovered some two months later by a shepherd. In 1970, several people saw the gigantic bird "soaring toward Jersey Shore [Pennsylvania]. Travel on a set itinerary with lodging and tours booked in advance. The Alaska Railroad is your transportation method. Thunderbird sightings have continued into the new millennium, including a 2002 sighting in Alaska where witnesses claimed to have seen a large, flying … The gist: It’s a wereotter. But some think the witnesses may simply have misjudged the birds' size. In 1970, a man named Harry McClure claimed that he knew one of the cowboys when he was a small boy. As you may know, if you follow our website, we have taken in numerous reports of these extremely large birds. Photo by jprime84. It soon took to the sky, spreading its 20-foot wingspan. I told my older brother anyway, who is quite interested in paranormal and extraterrestrial life. But some think the witnesses may simply have misjudged the birds' size. ... Sightings in Alaska. Looking further back, the, Stellar’s eagle, larger instances of fauna in the region range from the Alaska moose (, With the prevalence of environmental factors (such as a cold, moist climate) that contribute to the appearance of larger animals, one presumption in relation to reports of “Thunderbirds” could be that, an ancient bird with a wingspan of as much as 24 feet, A Strange Lifetime of Bizarre and Spooky UFO and Alien Encounters, Ancient Conch Shell Plays Music For the First Time in 18,000 Years, 300-Year-Old Pirate Skeletons Found off the Coast of Massachusetts, More on Why Some Believe the Alien Greys are Taking our Souls, The Chupacabra is Getting Its Own Netflix Movie, How an 18th Century Anatomical Dictionary from Tibet Offered Evidence of the Legendary Yeti, Mystery ‘Crocodile’ Filmed in River Thames. Perhaps the most elusive and legendary among America’s mythical creatures is the thunderbird, a giant eagle-like bird with incredible strength. Unfortunately, no other witnesses saw the bird on this date, and no tangible evidence could be found for the bird after the site was searched. Emperor Geese are year-round occupants of remote northern tundra and coastal regions of western Alaska. Now, in the 21 st Century, the giant Thunderbird sightings have persisted. ... the one-mile trail to Thunderbird Falls traverses a handsome birch forest along the Eklutna River canyon to reach a deck with views of a 200-foot waterfall. In the first weeks of 2018, there was small talk appearing online of some big news out of the northwest: specifically, reports of a massive bird seen in the vicinity of Juneau, Alaska. Similar animals often appear in Native American mythology; some tales tell of enormous eagles strong enough to … Thunderbird sightings have continued into the new millennium, including a 2002 sighting in Alaska where witnesses claimed to have seen a large, flying creature with a … Alaska Triangle Facts: Over 16,000 People Have Gone Missing Since 1988 The Alaskan city of Juneau is buzzing after a resident reported what can best be described as a 'thunderbird' soaring through the sky. As Dr. Ian Malcom famously said in Jurassic Park, “life finds a way.”. The Thunderbird is a cryptozoological creature associated with large bird-like animals that live anywhere in Northern Canada and Alaska down to Central America. A gigantic bird was sighted in Alaska in January 2018 by a woman driving, having a wingspan nearly as wide as the road, and in Pennsylvania on May 26, 2013, when two friends were walking through the woods near Bryn Athen Castle and were startled by something extraordinary. Some were poking fun at the idea of a thunderbird or pterodactyl in the valley, but others weren’t so skeptical. By comparison, the largest known bird is the wandering albatross, with a wingspan of up to 12 feet. Listed chronologically they occurred in Pennsylvania (2001), Alaska (2002), and Texas (2007). In October 2017 a woman reported seeing what she thought was a cougar in Ketchikan. Large Bird Sighted Again in Alaska. In the Native culture, this was a symbol of a supernatural bird with special powers. She said its wingspan appeared to be about as long as the creek was wide—about 75 feet! Its beak was very thin and long—about a foot in length.". “The late cryptozoologist Mark A. The witness observed the creature for about 90 seconds, even seeing it land on the branches of a dead tree, which nearly broke under its great weight. Also, based on the sole set of remains for this ancient avian species, it was not a species of raptor, as the bird in Alaska is purported to most closely resemble. "I wouldn't say it was flapping its wings gracefully," the witness told Smeltzer, "but almost horrifically flapping its wings very slowly, then gliding above the passing big rig trucks.". The bird then dropped him to the ground and flew off. Alaska Thunderbird Sighted “Attn; I was just driving by the movie theater in the Valley and there was a huge black bird flying above the road. Hall documented in his book Thunderbirds: America’s Living Legends of Giant Birds (2004) that ethnographic and anthropological investigations published in 1870, 1874, 1881, and 1904 told of Thunderbird reports in Alaska. A gigantic bird was sighted in Alaska in January 2018 by a woman driving, having a wingspan nearly as wide as the road, and in Pennsylvania on May 26, 2013, when two friends were walking through the woods near Bryn Athen Castle and were startled by something extraordinary. Carrying the child for several feet, Lowe’s mother observed the attempted abduction and ran screaming toward the child, who was then dropped. In the Native culture, this was a symbol of a supernatural bird with special powers. One more intriguing element to this anecdote is that a photo was supposedly taken of the great creature, held up with its wings spread by several townspeople. Mysterious Universe is a property of 8th Kind Pty Ltd. the biggest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Paranormal Activity, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Phenomena, Haunted House, Mytery, UFO, Aliens, Haunted Mansion, Haunted Trails, Paranormal Stories, Ho-Chunk [ edit ] Ho-Chunk tradition states that a man who has a vision of a thunderbird during a solitary fast will become a war chief. And they’ve been spotted in North Dakota as recently as 2009. The initial report involved an incident that occurred on January 16, which appeared on the Facebook page of the Juneau Community Collective. And yet, no comparisons are made to the similar largeness of known animal species in the same regions. Thunderbird A Canadian Legend. Ojibwa legend has it that a Thunderbird once nested atop Mount McKay, a butte in the Nor’Wester Mountains located southwest of Thunder Bay.