Here are 12 interesting facts about Antarctica which might few have ever heard of: 1. The icy expanse of Antarctica covers more than 5.4 million square miles, making it the fifth-largest continent in the world. 25 Things You Didn't Know About Antarctica. Kellen Perry. In the past 25 years Antarctica has lost more than 3 trillion tons of ice. Antarctica is, on average, the windiest place on earth. It's the coldest, windiest, and (arguably) loneliest place on the planet: Antarctica. Fact 25: According to international law, no country owns or can own the sea or area surrounding the North Pole. 1. Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, highest and driest continent on the planet. It resembles what most of Europe looked like before the 14th century. On the southernmost tip of the planet sits one of the world's most massive and mysterious landmasses: the frozen realm of Antarctica. 25 Antarctica was not always frozen. All life in Antarctica depends on the ice around the continent. 15 Interesting Facts About Antarctica. This hypothesis draws from the way inland ice sheets stay unaffected by global warming so far. The word 'Antarctica' comes from the Greek term 'antarktike' meaning 'the opposite to arctic' or 'opposite to north'. Photo: Audun Dahl. While both the Arctic and Antarctica are founded the same distance away from the equator, Antarctica is far colder. Here are 15 facts about Antarctica and its wildlife that will leave you speechless: 1. Global Warming - Facts - An Overview Global warming is the warming up of the planet above the temperature it is expected to be from recent experience. These are 25 fact about Antarctica … The Aurora Borealis has been enchanting mankind for centuries and we know the Aurora chasers out there will already be well versed in the exact science, the latest prediction apps, and the best conditions to look for but did you know you're not … Continents. Highest Point of Saint Lucia is not Gros Piton, contrary to popular belief. Almost all precipitation falls as snow in Antarctica. 7. The icy continent of Antarctica covers over 5.4 million square miles and is the world’s fifth largest continent. Theoretically Antarctica would be located in all time zones; however, areas south of the Antarctic Circle experience extreme day-night cycles near the times of the June and December solstices. Antarctica is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The following are 30 interesting Updated July 16, 2018. Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth. Sadly, the ice loss process has accelerated dramatically over the last five years. Only a very few people are aware of the fact that Antarctica also a dessert which hasn’t received any kind of rain or snowfall for 2 million years. antarctica Facts. With these facts about Antarctica, let us learn about discovery, geology, weather, history, life existence, ice sheets and more. The treaty bans such activities until 2048. It is such a concern at the moment as it seems that the temperature is rising at a rate far faster than ever before and it is thought that it may be the activities of the human population over the last 150 years or so that is causing it. With such low humidity and moisture on this portion of the continent, snow and ice cannot even accumulate, which leaves the valleys as just a dusty expanse of dirt. In the roots of the Greek language, “Arctic” means “the land of bears” and “Antarctic” means “the land without bears.” Image credits: publicdomainfiles. By Erin Kelly. It is the Pitons that make St. Lucia our choice for the most beautiful Caribbean Island. 25. 1. And that large parts of Antarctica used to be a rain forest? You cannot work in Antarctica unless your wisdom teeth and appendix are removed. East Antarctica accounts for about 75 percent of the surface area and is slightly larger than the United States. 24. In 1996, Ukrainian polar explorers raised the flag over the earlier British Faraday station, symbolically buying it for one pound sterling. 27 Some economic activity ... One of the more surprising Antarctica facts: Some scientists suspect that warmer oceans are melting the Antarctic ice, not the atmosphere. But did you know that the bottom of the world has a bar? The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is 58.2°F (14.5°C). 25 Facts About Antarctica. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world. If Antarctica’s ice sheet melted, the world’s oceans would rise by 60 to 65 meters. The boy became the first human known to be born in Antarctica. 25. There is an ancient old growth forest bordering Poland called Białowieża Forest. What lives in Antarctica? The place is located within the Arctic Circle, which only means that temperatures always fall below zero most of the year. Here are 25 Interesting Facts About Forests. 25 Facts About East Antarctica. One of the interesting facts about Antarctica relates to its natural resources. And for good reason. 26 Antarctica has plenty of natural resources. The only Ukrainian Antarctic station Vernadsky Research Base would soon celebrate 25 years since its foundation. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant mother to Antarctica in an effort to claim a portion of the continent. 14. These incredible Antarctica facts and pictures prove how gorgeous and mysterious this icy desert (yes, it's a desert) truly is. 25 Facts About Antarctica That Are So Cool They're Freezing You probably never realized how awesome that big block of ice at the bottom of the world is. Subscribe to List25 . 25 Facts About Antarctica That Are So Cool They’re Freezing. Jan 30, 2020 - Antarctica is unbelievable so we want to celebrate this by telling you the most best fun facts about Antarctica you have definitely never heard about. 1-5 Interesting Facts About Forests 1. Fun Antarctica Facts for Kids. Read how big Antarctica is, how cold it can get, what kind of animals live there, how much ice it contains and much more. These are 25 fact about Antarctica that are so cool they’re freezing! Antarctica Now: 25 - 31 January 2021. 2. For comparison, Antarctica is roughly the size of the United States and Mexico combined or about 1.3 times as large as Europe. Photo: Audun Dahl. 25 Of The Most Unbelievably True Antarctica Facts. Join Shackleton for Antarctica NOW, a seven-day online festival featuring leading experts on all things Antarctica: wildlife, conservation, exploration, climate change and politics. No Rain or Snow in Antarctica for 2 Million Years . 3. 1. Coldest Continent on Earth . Our Antarctica Facts for Kids shall provide lots of interesting and fun facts on the southernmost continent. Check out our fun Antarctica facts for kids and enjoy a wide range of interesting information related to the icy continent found at the southern part of the globe. … Learn some fun facts about the Antarctic penguins. Unknown Facts About Antarctica. Article from 30 Fun Penguin Facts For Kids You'll Wish You'd Known The term ‘penguin’ is a common name used to refer to 19 species of flightless seabirds which are widely distributed in cooler waters and along coastlines in the Southern Hemisphere. Antarctica is the … Although Antarctica is rich on mineral resources such as coal, oil and natural gas, countries cannot exploit these resources due to the rules of the Antarctic Treaty. You probably never realized how awesome that big block of ice at the bottom of the world is. The continent boasts a surface area of 5,400,000 square miles, which doubles in size in the winter as ice forms around the coastline. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at Russia’s Vostok Station in Antarctica: -89.2°C (-128.6°F) on 21st July, 1983. The name Antarctica is the romanized version of the Greek compound word ἀνταρκτική (antarktiké). 15 Interesting facts about Antarctica. Penguins are flightless sea birds but they are expert swimmers. Updated April 9, 2020 946.8k views25 items. .. A Few Facts about Antarctica Antarctica is the continent that surrounds the South Pole, the southernmost point at the bottom of the earth. by List25 Team April 4, 2014, 4:23 am. The area surrounding the North Pole at the northernmost point or top of the earth is called the Arctic. While analyzing data from multiple satellite surveys from 1992 to 2017, a group of 84 international researchers has found that Antarctica is currently losing ice about three times faster than it did before 2012. 14 Fun Facts About the Penguins of Antarctica. Published May 20, 2016. Aristotle wrote in his book Meteorology about Antarctic region already in c. 350 B.C. Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . Jan 30, 2020 - Antarctica is unbelievable so we want to celebrate this by telling you the most best fun facts about Antarctica you have definitely never heard about. The coldest place on Earth is a high ridge in Antarctica where temperatures can dip below -133°F (-93.2°C). Antarctica is Earth’s southermost continent and contains the South Pole. Learn some fun facts about penguins! The most precipitation falls in the Peninsula (15 to 25 inches a year) and the lowest in the high interior (as little as 50 millimeters (2.0 inches). Winds in some places of Antarctica can reach 200 mph (320 km/h). Some of the interesting facts about Antarctica which should be known by the masses are as follows: 1. It is the fifth-largest continent at 14,200,000 square kilometers (5,500,000 square miles). Here are other 25 fun and amazing facts about Antarctica you need to know. 25 Facts About Antarctica. factalicious123 8 months ago No Comments. Why does the Antarctic matter to all of us? Antarctica is a continent because it is land that is covered by a thick layer of ice. 3. 2. Scientists now believe we are currently losing 240 billion tons of ice per year, so keep it together and reduce your footprint — the world can't afford another meltdown. All photos shot by Pedro Kin. 2. Antarctica sits on every line of longitude, due to the South Pole being situated near the middle of the continent. Antarctica, the southernmost continent and site of the South Pole, is a virtually uninhabited, ice-covered landmass. For contrast, the Antarctica ice sheet covers 14,600,000 km² of the total 20,000,000 km² area that makes the antarctic circle. Gros Piton is 798.25 m (2618feet) high, and Petit Piton is 743 (2437 feet) m high. According to the researchers, 99% of Antarctica is covered by snow. The Dry Valleys in Antarctica are the driest places on earth. Share Tweet. The total precipitation on Antarctica, averaged over the entire continent, is about 166 millimetres (6.5 inches) per year (Vaughan et al., J Climate, 1999).The actual rates vary widely, from high values over the Peninsula (15 to 25 inches a year) to very low values (as little as 50 millimetres (2.0 inches) in the high interior (Bromwich, Reviews of Geophysics, 1988). About 3 TRILLION TONS of ice melted in Antarctica in the past 25 years. This story of conservation has been well documented over the last 500 years and is almost as rich… With a handful of movies spotlighting the flightless birds, Hollywood seems to obsess over penguins. Antarctica is the least populated continent of our planet. The highest point on the island goes to Mount Gimie which is 959 metres (3,145 feet) high. Retired Navy meteorologist Paul Grisham had long forgotten the wallet he lost while stationed in Antarctica in 1968, so he was surprised when someone returned it to him two weeks ago -- …