Click here to sign in with Well, some say bread can swell in a birds stomach and can kill a bird. Now, like many birders, I was first introduced to the joys of wildlife by feeding ducks bread at a local park. All will be appreciated and are much healthier for them! 2020;10.1111/jpn.13441. Feeding bread to ducks Feeding ducks, swans and geese is a great way to enjoy getting close to them. Similarly to bread, chips, crackers, cereal and sweets cause ducks … You will see photographs in magazines and even scenes on the big screen where people feed ducks and geese bread. Uneaten bread crumbs attract predators, grow mold that makes ducks and other riparian critters sick, and contribute to the growth of cyanobacteria and harmful algal blooms. Can birds die from eating bread? We wanted to understand how feeding ducks and other wild birds affected their health, so we examined what kind of foods people were feeding them, and compared its nutritional value with the nutritional requirements we'd expect for each species. Eating a lot of bread will make a duck overweight and can even lead to malnutrition. Offered in extreme moderation, bread is not harmful to ducks but especially for wild ducks that moderation is very hard to judge. It’s really bad for duck. Ducks that are fed bread may even become malnourished, and adult ducks eating bread may become fat and overweight. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1449240174198-2'); }); Feeding wild birds means that they need to spend less time foraging, which allows them to build their strength and produce more chicks. Just like humans would suffer from a diet of nothing but candy and sugar, too much bread can lead ducks to obesity and malnutrition as well as many other problems.. While the bread itself isn’t dangerous to ducks, it fills them up and means the ducks are less likely to eat natural sources of nutritious food, which keeps them healthy. But our advice—as with bread—is to avoid it altogether. Remdesivir - a possible treatment for COVID-19? COVID 19 mutations and implications for the vaccines. Just like with humans, these food items offer little nutritional value to birds. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by in any form. There are two reasons why this could happen. This document is subject to copyright. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy It does not hold any real nutritional value and will be gorged upon by ducks as they neglect their feed, if allowed. It’s just important not to overfeed them and to … The nutritional value of bread is not a good match for the needs of wild birds. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, and provide content from third parties. In fact, bread is the equivalent to junk food for birds. Of course, the diet of domestic and wild ducks is significantly different, but in that, and in another case the use of bread alone will lead to the fact that the bird can simply die! But they also provide essential vitamins. Bread was by far the most popular choice of food offered to wild birds, making up two-thirds of the total. Bread is very dry, and if you give a bird a large chunk of bread, it could choke trying to swallow it. But it’s kind of like a kid in a candy store. They do for birds what fast food does for us: lots of energy, but with very little nutrition. We recently embarked on a study of birds living in seven public areas throughout Amsterdam, including squares and parks. Bread should only be fed to ducks in moderation to make sure that it does not interfere with their normal diet. If you want to feed the ducks give them something healthy; birdseed, cracked corn, peas, veggie trimmings (cut into small pieces) or mealworms. There are many other useful ways to dispose of unwanted bread, however, including: Of course, the best way to use up stale bread without feeding it to ducks is to avoid having any leftover bread in the first place. Ducks will eat stale bread, donuts, chips, crackers and popcorn but these things are very low in nutrition and can actually be bad for them. I've fed bread on and off, it doesn't hurt them at all. Some people may feed ducks their leftover stale or moldy bread, which should never be fed to the birds. Get weekly and/or daily updates delivered to your inbox. Ducks ca eat bread, but you should not give them bread. Too much bread can cause the ducks to become bloated or encounter digestive issues – usually temporary. "Just like us, birds need a varied diet to stay healthy," a spokesperson for the RSPB tells us in a statement. Ducks can eat bread since it is not dangerous to them, but bread also isn’t a good healthy food source. This pollution concentrates and eventually kills off normal aquatic life. When managing birdfeeders, think bird health and safety, Environmental scientists cite need for studies looking into impact of microplastics, Using genetic sequencing to determine if bird and mammal brains work the same, Study of europium in crystals suggest Earth's middle ages were a time of flatlands, Researchers gather numerical evidence of quantum chaos in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, Iridium-catalyzed Z-retentive asymmetric allylic substitution reactions. Others say bread is ok as long as it’s wholemeal or brown bread. I know I do. It seems harmless enough, feeding bread to the ducks in your local park; we enjoy it, the ducks get some food, and everyone’s happy. Among the items listed as safe to feed to ducks it lists corn. Rice, both cooked and uncooked, isn't a bad choice. Can Ducks Eat Moldy Bread? Not only can bread be fattening to ducks and make it harder for them to fly and otherwise evade predators, feeding ducks can also lead to other serious problems. Questions about food dyes: red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6 and Blue 1, Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox. She has over 16 years experience writing about wild birds for magazines and websites. “Ducks wouldn’t eat bread in the wild, it’s junk food for them, but a small amount is probably fine. In our study, we found that leftovers were one of the top choices of people feeding ducks. If everyone fed ducks with small quantities of a certain food, they might end up eating too much of it in the end, so variety is key. Yes, ducks can and do eat bread. Several types of mold can be fatal to waterfowl. Read our. Angel wing can be reversed in ducklings but is incurable in adults. Just like humans would suffer from a diet of nothing but candy and sugar, too much bread can lead ducks to obesity and malnutrition as well as many other problems. Just like for us humans, a balanced diet is important for wild animals. Even the bread that birds don't eat is bad for them: Rotting bread can grow mold that makes ducks sick, contribute to the growth of algae—which can … Bread should be considered a treat for ducks, whether at the park or on your farm. Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email. While we may have thought this was an environmentally responsible and cute way to dispose of old or stale bread, offering bread to ducks is actually unhealthy and potentially dangerous for the birds, other wildlife, and even ourselves. While one person or family may only feed the ducks once every few months, there may be many other families and individuals who are feeding the ducks bread far more frequently. Still, seeds and nuts are a good choice because of their high nutritional value. Is there anything else we should avoid feeding ducks, swans, and geese? These scenes are deceiving! Ducks should predominantly eat greens from their own environment, like grass, as well as small fish, and frogs—everything they'd usually have no trouble finding in a pond. If birds are overwhelmingly eating bread instead of natural options, it could lead to health problems. Claim: People should not give bread to ducks, geese, or swans because it pollutes bodies of water and causes angel wing. Many birders were first introduced to the joys of wildlife by feeding ducks bread at a local park or pond. Bread and similar products such as crackers, rolls, chips, crisps, donuts, crusts, cereal, and popcorn are great sources of carbohydrates but they offer little nutritional value for ducks, geese, swans, and other birds. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. But there's another problem with feeding bread to ducks. Some birds will eat what they’re given and if you feed them too much bread, this can have an overall effect on their diet. Feeding ducks bread is bad because the food has little nutritional value and can harm ducklings’ growth. You can just browse through the list and see what is easiest for you to grow or buy and pick what works best for you and your feathered friends. It's a really good way to introduce children to wild animals for the first time, and for everyone to connect or reconnect with wild nature. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Nutritional implications of feeding free-living birds in public urban areas, Frozen peas or corn kernels (defrosted first, but no need to cook), Duck feed pellets available from farm supply stores, Trying stale bread recipes such as bread pudding or homemade dressing and stuffing, Toasting stale bread for homemade croutons, bread crumbs, or garlic toast, Using stale bread for crafts, such as making cookie-like decorations or play dough. Wild ducks and waterfowl can live longer, healthier lives by relying on natural food sources such as aquatic plants, seeds, grasses, nuts, and insects rather than taking handouts from well-meaning humans. And you also should not feed ducks crackers, chips, donuts, or popcorn. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The simple things in life sometimes bring the greatest joy—like feeding the ducks at your local pond. or, by Ronald Jan Corbee and Sara Burt, The Conversation. There will inevitably be leftovers that either turn into litter or food for other animals. Can ducks eat bread? The seemingly innocent act of feeding ducks with bread is harming waterfowl and polluting waterways, conservationists warned on Monday as they urged people to … As many of you know there has been a lot of debate about feeding swans and other waterfowl bread. Your feedback will go directly to Science X editors. part may be reproduced without the written permission. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Don’t worry you can still give ducks snacks. Free Food Isn't all it's Quacked Up To Be. Feeding waterfowl these products can lead to malnutrition, disease, and weight gain. People in England and Wales feed ducks an estimated of six million loaves of bread a year Environmentally conscious birders will stop offering any bread or bread-like products to ducks to avoid nutritional problems and other issues caused by a carbohydrate-rich diet. Leftovers of the processed foods we like to eat—think french fries and pizza crusts—shouldn't actually be in this list. Among the items listed as safe to feed to ducks it lists corn. Too much bread can affect the next generation of ducks, too; ducklings who eat nothing but bread may never learn how to forage for other, healthier foods, and they could become malnourished. It's never hurt them. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). Based on our calculations, this surplus of food would, on average, provide enough energy to sustain 153 rats per study area. Adding all these well-meaning feeders together can lead to a diet based almost solely on unhealthy bread products. I give my ducks a small amount of whole wheat bread as a treat, especially during training. The next time you pay your feathered friends a visit, consider introducing some variety into the food you give them. Melissa Mayntz has been a birder and wild bird enthusiast for 30+ years. It's also important to only give plain rice—never seasoned or fried rice. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. If you still want to feed the ducks, which can be an enchanting experience, there are many healthier alternatives to offer instead of bread. Nutritional implications of feeding free-living birds in public urban areas. We also found that people often overfeed birds. In a city like London, with the population approaching nine million, if everyone was feeding the ducks bread it would spell disaster for the poor things. I walk out with a loaf of bread and I have all the animals begging for some--dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, horses, goats and pigs. But what should you feed them instead? In addition to the nutritional issues posed by abundant … Brown rats prey on the eggs of waterfowl and young ducklings. We do not guarantee individual replies due to extremely high volume of correspondence. Uncooked rice is perfectly safe in small doses though—in spite of what urban myths might tell you. Feed ducks frozen peas instead of stale bread, charity asks. But our advice—as with bread—is to avoid it altogether. Nearly everyone has memories of feeding ducks bread as a kid. Try to balance small amounts of these with seeds and nuts. and Terms of Use. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no I truly believe that the experience of feeding wild animals or birds is a great way for people to become connected to nature, but I am not a fan of feeding bread to ducks – there are simpler, much better, and equally easy, options available. No, bread is bad for ducks! Since bread is junk food for ducks, it fills them up, meaning that they're less likely to eat foods with nutritional value. Offered as a rare treat in extreme moderation, bread is not immediately harmful to ducks or birds, but that moderation is hard to judge. The uneaten remnants often pollute waterways and attract vermin and other pests. Bread is actually a good source of carbohydrates but other than that it offers little nutritional value for ducks. Burt SA, Vos CJ, Buijs JA, Corbee RJ. Most people feed birds so as not to waste bread or meal leftovers, but for birds, it's actually the worst option. This is normal behaviour, but an abundance of rats could skew the natural balance between the species. Oh the controversy over bread. I also feed my birds *gasp* moldy bread. Just imagine how you would feel if your diet only consisted of bread. Thte spokesperson said: "People can feed other types of food to them which will be gratefully received. The bread, especially white bread, is not giving the duck what it needs nutritionally. But the simple answer is yes, wild birds can eat bread but bear in mind that birds also need a balanced diet and bread shouldn’t be the main choice. Ducks should predominantly eat greens from their own environment, like grass, as well as small fish, and frogs – everything they’d usually have no trouble finding in a pond. "Although ducks and swans can digest all types of bread, too much can leave them feeling full without giving them all of the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need. doi:10.1111/jpn.13441. Here are some options, ranked from best to worst. The only drawback to ducks is that they eat a lot! They're rich in fat with a high level of essential fatty acids, which means it's wise to only feed birds with small amounts of seeds and nuts. In fact, they love it. In many ways, this is unsurprising. The sad answer to this is, yes, they can. Do the side effects of a COVID-19 vaccination correlate with individual efficacy? The problem with feeding chickens bread is that it can easily form a ball in the crop which can lead to catastrophic blockages. Here are a few tips and facts to help you help the birds you feed. We have always maintained that feeding them bread is fine, Today we received a this statement from The Queen’s Swan Marker, David Barber, MVO, endorsed by Professor Christopher Perrins of the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology at Oxford University. So be careful with overfeeding, or you might actually reduce the number of ducks in your local pond. Offered as a rare treat in extreme moderation, bread is not immediately harmful to ducks or birds, but that moderation is hard to judge. Don't overdo it Feeding Bread to Ducks. I also have memories of feeding bread to fish at Pymatuning Lake in Pennsylvania despite being advised to buy fish food pellets. The content is provided for information purposes only. As your new year's resolution, avoid bread when feeding the ducks. And ducks will eat bread but they shouldn’t have very much of it. Feeding birds with large quantities of rice can result in deficiencies in other nutrients. Our final piece of advice is don't overfeed. Food accumulating in a pond goes mouldy and encourages bacteria which can leach oxygen from the water and produce toxins. In our study, we found that leftovers were one of the top choices of people feeding ducks. Read the original article. Vegetables, such as sweetcorn, lettuce and peas, and fruit, including apple and banana pieces, are great as a source of fibre and water. RSPB suggested some alternatives to bread feeders could go for. But this could also make birds dependent on the food humans provide and cause malnutrition, as the nutritional value of processed food is likely to differ greatly from their natural diet. Uneaten bread is left to rot, which can stimulate the growth of algae, which takes over other plants that ducks usually eat, and creates an unhealthy balance within the ecosystem. You can be assured our editors closely monitor every feedback sent and will take appropriate actions. This National Geographic article describes how feeding ducks bread is actually harmful. It's deficient in amino acids, fatty acids and several vitamins and minerals, but full of carbohydrates and salt—all the stuff birds don't need and little of what they do. It's wheat, for heaven's sake, pretty much the same thing their feed is made up of. Great foods to feed ducks include: For many people, feeding ducks bread is not only a way to interact with wildlife, but it is also a handy way to dispose of old, stale bread without just tossing it in the trash. Don’t let that scare you though because they eat a variety of foods that are very easy (and inexpensive) to come by. Giving lots of uncooked rice can give ducks a sore stomach because it reacts with water in their gut. Can Chickens Eat Bread?. Sure, the ducks and geese will eat and even enjoy it, but If ducks constantly eat that and nothing else, it can lead to malnourishment for the ducks. Do People Think It Will Take 7 Years to Get Back To Normal? Bird seed is one of the best options, but only in limited amounts—which goes for all the food in this list. Bread is a common food for well meaning people to feed to chickens and ducks. Your opinions are important to us. It provides a good source of energy but is quite low in nutritional value. The downside is that large quantities can cause stomach upset, especially fruit, but also vegetables high in carbohydrates, like carrots. And too much bread will fill them up and keep them from eating high-quality food that will give them their daily needed values. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. Bread can be easily frozen until needed, or birders can monitor their menus and shopping lists to ensure there are no leftovers that would be tempting to feed to ducks. Over time, ducks fed on bread can become malnourished and even overweight – bad malnutrition can lead to deformed wings, which prevents ducks from being able to fly. By encouraging birds to congregate around a food source, there is also an increased risk of disease transmission. Medical research advances and health news, The latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, The most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. Thank you for taking your time to send in your valued opinion to Science X editors. The large amounts of bread that people feed wild birds may be well-intentioned, but they could be doing them harm.