ix-xii) ... Board of Education and the Interest-Convergence Dilemma. Borrowing from Derrick Bell's interest convergence theory, Lee argues that cultural convergence is one way to explain these results. Bell, Derrick A., Jr. Harvard Law Review , v93 n3 p518-34 Jan 1980 Rather than focusing on racial balance, one should focus on obtaining real educational effectiveness, which may entail the improvement of presently desegregated schools as well as the creation or preservation of model Black schools. Interest-convergence covenants are decisions in which "black rights are recognized and protected when and only so long as policymakers perceive that such advances will further interests that are their [whites'] primary concern" (p. 49). Extending Bell’s Concept of Interest Convergence: A Framework for Understanding the African American Doctoral Student Experience Author: Pamela P. Felder and Marco J. Barker Keywords: doctoral education, doctoral experience, advising, race, diversity Created Date: 12/29/2012 7:37:06 AM The tenet “interest convergence” originated with the work of Secondly, Bell’s (1980) theory of interest convergence is a critical component within the cogs of CRT. Interest convergence.' As newly transplanted Chicano/a residents of a state facing exponential growth of its Latino immigrant … Bell, Jr., Brown v. In this chapter, we discuss Bell’s (1980) interest convergence, a key concept in critical race theory,1 as a useful analytic and strategic tool to analyze, critique, make sense of, and reform sites in teacher education that we argue should be studied and interrogated to improve policies and practices in the field. Defining Interest Convergence. In this Comment, Prof. Derrick Bell suggests that no conflict of interest actually existed; for a brief period, the interests of the races converged to make the Brown decision inevitable. Stated more precisely, interest convergence is the notion Common sense beliefs are formulated by the majority “status quo.” The beliefs created by the majority—the haves—oppress minority groups—the have-nots and have-too-littles. The interest-convergence principle proposes that change benefitting people and communities of color only occurs when those interests also benefit Whites. Download PDF Cite this Item Table of Contents. Law schools tying themselves in knots over what to do about seven superb teaching candidates.2 Structural conflict of interest between civil rights liti-I See Derrick A. INTEREST-CONVERGENCE DILEMMA Derrick A. Table of Contents (pp. Critical race theorist, Derrick Bell, was the first tenured African-American professor of law at Harvard Law School.Acclaimed for greatly contributing to critical race theory, Bell is lauded for his ‘interest convergence’ dilemma (or theory) which followed the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision mandating racial segregation of public schools come to an end. More recent Supreme Court decisions, however, suggest to Professor Bell a growing divergence of … Bell, Jr. * After Brown v. Board of Education was decided, Professor Herbert Wechsler questioned whether the Supreme Court's decision could be justified on the basis of "neutral" principles. After setting forth these concepts, Bell asserts Bell in particular advanced what he called “interest convergence theory,” which holds that whites will support minority rights only when it’s in their interest as well. Professor Derrick Bell is widely known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial views regarding race and law. To him Brown arbitrarily traded the rights of … IN FISHER V. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS DERRICK BELL’S INTEREST CONVERGENCE THEORY IS ON A COLLISION COURSE WITH THE VIEWPOINT DIVERSITY RATIONALE IN HIGHER EDUCATION L. Darnell Weeden⃰ INTRODUCTION Professor Derrick Bell is necessarily and properly acknowledged because of his leading community service as a civil rights lawyer, a scholarly What a treasure trove of ideas Derrick Bell has showered on an entire generation of his readers!