He began a relationship with a slave girl, and removed Pallas, a favorite of Agrippina, from his post as secretary of the treasury. In Germany, the legions in mutiny were those of the Lower Rhine under Aulus Caecina (the V Alaudae, XXI Rapax, I Germanica, and XX Valeria Victrix). This served to emphasize the continuation of the domus Augusta across the transition from Augustus to Tiberius. Germanicus' forces withdrew and returned to the Rhine. His death has been attributed to poison by ancient sources, but that was never proven. Other articles where Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso is discussed: Germanicus: …into conflict with Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, whom Tiberius had installed as governor of Syria. Relationships with persons or entities via objects (The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. [7] Germanicus was a key figure in Julio-Claudian dynasty of the early Roman Empire. Germanicus Caesar (15 BCE-19 CE) was a Roman general under the reign of emperors Augustus and Tiberius who avenged the Roman massacre by the Germans at Teutoburg Forest, recaptured two of the three lost standards of the legions, and was universally respected as a man of honor and courage. The emperor offered Piso the command of Syria in an effort to win over the political support of It has published work by scholars residing in South Africa, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, Rhodesia and Nyasaland / Zimbabwe / Tanzania, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Poland, Greece, France, and Japan. Germanicus was always favored by his great uncle and hoped that he would succeed Tiberius, who had been adopted by Augustus as his heir and successor. He was also given permission to be a candidate for consul before the regular time and the right to speak first in the Senate after the consuls. Calpurnius Piso (cos. 7 B.C.E.) Evidently here Piso attended Germanicus, and quarreled because he failed to send troops to Armenia when ordered. Published By: Classical Association of South Africa, Read Online (Free) relies on page scans, which are not currently available to screen readers. Germanicus was marked as Tiberius’ successor and in 18 A.D. he was made consul. His ivory statue was at the head of the procession during the Circus Games; his posts as priest of Augustus and Augur were to be filled by members of the imperial family; knights of Rome gave his name to a block of seats at a theatre in Rome, and rode behind his effigy on 15 July AD 20. He had gone there to relieve a famine in the country vital to Rome's food supply. was no friend and loyal supporter of Emperor Tiberius. Germanicus in turn ordered Piso's recall to Rome, although this action was probably beyond his authority. [30], The army of the Lower Rhine sought an increase in pay, the reduction of their service to 16 years (down from 20) to mitigate the hardship of their military tasks, and vengeance against the centurions for their cruelty. Germanicus was marked as Tiberius’ successor and in 18 A.D. he was made consul. As for his popularity, he was popular enough that the mutinous legions of the Rhine attempted to proclaim him emperor in AD 14; however, he remained loyal and led them against the German tribes instead. The move upset Tiberius, because it had violated an order by Augustus that no senator shall enter the province without consulting the emperor and the Senate (Egypt was an imperial province, and belonged to the emperor). All 8 legions were given money, even if they did not demand it. 3.3 Der Brief des Tiberius an Germanicus Tac. [28], In early spring AD 15, Germanicus crossed the Rhine and struck the Chatti. His marriage to Agrippina the Elder ( Augustus ' granddaughter) tied the Julian and Claudian branches of the imperial family. In lower Germania, where Tiberius' adoptive son and heir Germanicus was in place, the legions revolted for similar reasons but were also affected by Germanicus' very presence. Like Tacitus, he drew upon the imperial archives, as well as histories by Aufidius Bassus, Cluvius Rufus, Fabius Rusticus and Augustus' own letters. [60] Not waiting to take up his consulship in Rome, he left after his triumph but before the end of AD 17. [21][4] According to Cassius Dio, Germanicus was a popular quaestor because he acted as an advocate as much in capital jurisdiction cases before Augustus as he did before lesser judges in standard quaestiones (trials). [8][9][10][11] The couple had nine children: Nero Julius Caesar; Drusus Caesar; Tiberius Julius Caesar (not to be confused with emperor Tiberius); a child of unknown name (normally referred to as Ignotus); Gaius the Elder; Gaius the Younger (the future emperor "Caligula"); Agrippina the Younger (the future empress); Julia Drusilla; and Julia Livilla. Request Permissions. But in many ways Tiberius was just as dependent upon the image of his adopted son Germanicus. Seite 2 von 3 < Zurück 1 2 3 Weiter > Riothamus Aktives Mitglied. The endurance of the Principate is challenged in these narratives, by the emperor's jealous trepidation toward competent commanders such as Germanicus. Bankers or moneylenders, argentarii, ‘behind the Temple of Castor’ (‘post aedem Castoris’): CIL VI.9177, 30748, cf. 149-152 in D.E.E. 3 Daitz calls During the reign of Augustus, Germanicus enjoyed an accelerated political career as the heir of the emperor's heir, entering the office of quaestor five years before the legal age in AD 7. He fought against the Pannonians under Tiberius, quelled the mutiny in the Rhine, and led three successful campaigns into Germania. He held that office until AD 11, and was elected consul for the first time in AD 12. [58][62], Next Germanicus traveled through Syria to Armenia where he installed king Artaxias as a replacement for Vonones, whom Augustus had deposed and placed under house arrest at the request of the king of Parthia, Artabanus. At his funeral, there were no procession statues of Germanicus. [34][35], Back at Rome, Tiberius instituted the Sodales Augustales, a priesthood of the cult of Augustus, of which Germanicus became a member. [note 6] Germanicus was given imperium maius (extraordinary command) over the other governors and commanders of the area he was to operate; however, Tiberius had replaced the governor of Syria with Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, who was meant to be his helper (adiutor), but turned out to be hostile. The Romans had anticipated the attack and again routed the Germans. Livia persuaded him to choose Tiberius, his stepson from Livia's first marriage to Tiberius Claudius Nero, instead. Germanicus Iulius Caesar (b. Germanicus 100 5 Tiberius as Princeps, AD 14–26 104 1 Senate and Magistrates 104 2 The Equestrian Order and the People 115 3 Honours and Titles 119 4 Religion 120 5 The Law of Maiestas 125 6 The Provinces 138 7 Tiberius and the Precepts of Augustus 147 vi CONTENTS. Tacitus described Germanicus as a fine general who was kind and temperate, saying that his early death had taken a great ruler from Rome. Nonetheless, this did not take away from the spectacle of his triumph: a near contemporary calendar marks 26 May as the day in "which Germanicus Caesar was borne into the city in triumph", while coins issued under his son Gaius (Caligula) depicted him on a triumphal chariot, with the reverse reading "Standards Recovered. In accordance with the precedent set by Augustus, Agrippa had been given command of those same provinces in the east when Agrippa was the intended successor to the empire. Tacitus says this shows the true grief that the people of Rome felt, and this also shows that by this time the people already knew the proper way to commemorate dead princes without an edict from a magistrate. This was never proven, and Piso later died while facing trial. There were abundant eulogies and reminders of his fine character and a particular eulogy was given by Tiberius himself in the Senate. Yet, in a show of clemency not unlike that of the emperor, the Senate had Piso's property returned and divided equally between his two sons, on condition that his daughter Calpurnia be given 1,000,000 sesterces as dowry and a further 4,000,000 as personal property. On the face of it, Tiberius had dispatched hi… Germanicus negotiated a settlement:[31][32][33], To satisfy the requisition promised to the legions, Germanicus paid them out of his own pocket. The fighting lasted for two days, with neither side achieving a decisive victory. As proconsul, Germanicus was dispatched with Tiberius to defend the empire against the Germans in AD 11. [37] Ovid's Fasti dates the Senate vote of Germanicus' triumph to 1 January AD 15. It seemed prudent to satisfy the armies, but Germanicus took it a step further. The son of Nero Claudius Drusus and Antonia the Younger, Germanicus was born into an influential branch of the patrician gens Claudia. As accusations accumulated, it was not long before the well known accuser, Lucius Fulcinius Trio, brought charges against him. März 2016. Tacitus, Annals Suetonius, Life of Caligula 1.31 During the same days almost, and from the same causes, the legions of Germany mutinied, in larger numbers and with proportionate fury; while their hopes ran high that Germanicus Caesar, unable to brook the sovereignty of another, would throw himself into the arms of his legions, whose force could sweep the world. Less monumental, Augustus' horse received a funeral mound, which Germanicus wrote a poem about. The Roman forces under Tiberius and Germanicus pursued Bato to the fortress of Andretium near Salona, to which they laid siege. Attention is paid particularly to their leadership styles, i.e., in their relationship with the masses. The prescribed text begins after Piso and Germanicus have arrived in Syria. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. Acta Classica Tiberius sent Germanicus to the East to solve some long-standing problems on the fringes of the empire, including a crisis in Armenia; at the same time he sent Piso to Syria as governor to keep an eye on Germanicus and report back to him. The account in Cassius Dio, 57, starts well, but rapidly declines into a litany of prosecutions and deaths though much of book 58.Dio’s account is not always strictly chronological, but in the period before the Germanicus and before his retreat to Capri in AD 26 (Annales 4.57). Agrippina and Germanicus were devoted to each other. As well as being the great-nephew of Augustus, he was the nephew of the second emperor, Tiberius, his son Gaius would become the third emperor, who would be succeeded by Germanicus' brother Claudius, and his grandson would become the fifth emperor, Nero. Germanicus, or Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus to give him his proper name, was not only an excellent commander, but one who took great care that his soldiers were well supplied and looked after. [2] In book eight of his Natural History, Pliny connects Germanicus, Augustus, and Alexander as fellow equestrians: when Alexander's horse Bucephalus died he named a city, Bucephalia, in his honor. Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa (ISSN 0065-1141) appears annually and is listed on the ISI and SAPSE list of accredited journals. The army of the Lower Rhine was stationed in summer quarters on the border of the Ubii. Britannicus' name at birth was Tiberius Claudius Germanicus. In accordance with Roman naming conventions, he adopted the name "Julius Caesar" while retaining his agnomen, becoming Germanicus Julius Caesar. She was a loyal, affectionate wife, who supported her husband. The continued support of the Pisones and his own friendship to Piso made Tiberius hesitant to hear the case himself. [57], Tiberius gave money out to the people of Rome in Germanicus' name, and Germanicus was scheduled to hold the consulship next year with the emperor. When news of the mutiny reached the army of the Upper Rhine under Gaius Silius (the Legions II Augusta, XIII Gemina, XVI Gallica, and XIV Gemina) a meeting was held to meet their demands. His maternal grandparents were the triumvir Mark Antony and Augustus' sister Octavia Minor. 49 9 Tiberius in Illyricum. This was nullified when Bato the Breucian was defeated in battle and subsequently executed by his former ally Bato the Daesitiate, but this left the Pannonians divided against each other, and the Romans were able to subdue the Breuci without battle. Tiberius made allowances for Piso to summon witnesses of all social orders, including slaves, and he was given more time to plea than the prosecutors, but it made no difference: before the trial was over Piso died, ostensibly by suicide, but Tacitus supposes Tiberius may have had him murdered before he could implicate the emperor in Germanicus' death. Er war Enkel der Livia und des Marc Anton, Neffe und Adoptivsohn des Tiberius, Grossneffe des Augustus und Bruder des Claudius. Those opposed to Tiberius began to panic. Piso left at the same time as Germanicus, but traveled directly to Athens and then to Rhodes where he and Germanicus met for the first time. A date of March 28 has been proposed as his most likely birthday.Rumours arose that Augustus was the child's real father, although this has never been authoritatively proven or denied. bust of Tiberius: Vatican Gregorian Museum: cast from EUR: British Museum. The emperor offered Piso the command of Syria in an effort to win over the political support of Tiberius. The Senate had his property proscribed, forbade mourning on his account, removed images of his likeness, such as statues and portraits, and his name was erased from the base of one statue in particular as part of his damnatio memoriae. He dedicates a good portion of his Life of Caligula to Germanicus, claiming Germanicus' physical and moral excellence surpassed that of his contemporaries. There he visited the site of Troy and the oracle of Apollo Claros near Colophon. Her father was Germanicus, a popular general and one-time heir apparent to the Roman Empire under Tiberius; and her mother was Agrippina the Elder, a granddaughter of the first Roman emperor Augustus. Augustus formally adopted Tiberius (now 46 years old) and his youngest grandson, Agrippa Postumus (now 15 years old). Commemorative arches were built in his honor and not just at Rome, but at the frontier on the Rhine and in Asia where he had governed in life. Tiberius was a Claudian, and that a knight without ancestry should be placed at the head of the Roman aristocracy was to him unthinkable; after the exile of Nero he had cast his eyes upon Caius, another son of Germanicus, as his possible successor. During their feud, Germanicus became ill in Antioch, where he died on 10 October AD 19. Fabius Rusticus. However, Eusebius, our main reference for this, does not name Germanicus, and Tacitus makes no reference to this occasion either, which would have required Germanicus to make two trips to Greece within a year. Tacitus couples his name with that of Livy and describes him as "the most graphic among … [23][24][25][26] He continued to advocate for defendants in court during his consulship, a popular move reminiscent of his previous work defending the accused in front of Augustus. [26][27], On 23 October AD 12, Tiberius held a triumph for his victory over the Pannonians and Dalmatians, which he had postponed on account of the defeat of Varus at Teutoburg Forest. Acta Classica is an international journal. [14][15], The rebel position in Pannonia collapsed in AD 8 when one of their commanders, Bato the Breucian, surrendered their leader Pinnes to the Romans and laid down his arms in return for amnesty. [84] He avoided writing in the poetic style of Cicero, who had translated his own version of the Phainomena, and he wrote in a new style to meet the expectations of a Roman audience whose tastes were shaped by "modern" authors like Ovid and Virgil. [1] To the Roman people, Germanicus was the Roman equivalent of Alexander the Great due to the nature of his death at a young age, his virtuous character, his dashing physique, and his military renown. The king of Cappadocia died too, whereupon Germanicus sent Quintus Veranius to organize Cappadocia as a province – a profitable endeavor as Tiberius was able to reduce the sales tax down to .5% from 1%. [82][83], In AD 4, Germanicus wrote a Latin version of Aratus's Phainomena, which survives, wherein he rewrites the contents of the original. Tiberius (Latin: Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus; November 16, 42 BC – March 16, AD 37), was Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD. Germanicus complied, moving Vonones to Cilicia, both to please Artabanus and to insult Piso, with whom Vonones was friendly. Germanicus was the son of Drusus (who was the brother of Tiberius), and grandson of Livia, Augustus’ wife. Germanicus: The Public Relations Expert of Rome . This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 09:49. (en) -(nomisma 21.09.2016) allgemein. [53] However, the campaign significantly healed the Roman psychological trauma from the Varus disaster, and greatly recovered Roman prestige. [73][77], On the day of Germanicus' death his sister Livilla gave birth to twins by Drusus. When it became clear Bato would not surrender, Tiberius assaulted the fortress and captured him. Agrippina the Younger - Wikipedia Agrippina was the first daughter and fourth living child of Agrippina the Elder and Germanicus. Germanicus was born in Rome on 24 May 15 BC to Nero Claudius Drusus and Antonia Minor, and had two younger siblings: a sister, Livilla; and a brother, Claudius. Quaestor at the age of 21cece). Rome regarded Germany as a wild territory of forests and swamps, with little wealth compared to territories Rome already had. A fort on the Lippe called Castra Aliso was besieged, but the attackers dispersed on sight of Roman reinforcements. Articles from volume 57 (2014) have DOI tags (DOI 10.15731/AClass). [66] His death aroused much speculation, with several sources blaming Piso, acting under orders from Emperor Tiberius. [8], Germanicus became a quaestor in AD 7, four years before the legal age of 25. The Romans also began to drive the rebels out of the countryside, offering amnesty to those tribes that would lay down their arms, and implemented a scorched earth policy in an effort to starve the enemy out. He returned to Syria by summer, where he found that Piso had either ignored or revoked his orders to the cities and legions. During the mutiny, Agrippina brought out their sixth child, Gaius, and made preparations to take him away to a safer town nearby. For example, he replaces the opening hymn to Zeus with a passage in honor of the Roman emperor. New barriers and earthworks were put in place, securing the area between Fort Aliso and the Rhine. Calpurnius Piso (cos. 7 B.C.E.) JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. The relationship between Tiberius and the senate would never be good Erst im Jahr 19 gebar Livilla noch einmal Kinder, die Zwillinge Tiberius Gemellus und Germanicus Gemellus, von denen aber nur Tiberius die Kindheit überlebte. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus in höchster Qualität. [32], Following his triumph, Germanicus was sent to Asia to reorganize the provinces and kingdoms there, which were in such disarray that the attention of a domus Augusta was deemed necessary to settle matters. Germanicus, also known as Germanicus Julius Caesar, was a famous general of the Roman Empire. f. Cn. Attention is paid particularly to their leadership styles, i.e., in their relationship with the masses. The revenue from the new province was enough to make up the difference lost from lowering the sales tax. He sailed down the Illyrian coast of the Adriatic Sea to Greece. Arminius initially caught Germanicus' cavalry in a trap, inflicting minor casualties, but the Roman infantry reinforced the rout and checked them. Drusus was born between mid-March and mid-April 38 BC, three months after Livia married Augustus on 17 January. to Tiberius that the young man could be tempted by the glory of supreme power; that he was not at the outset would not in any way have allayed the emperor's suspicions. This decision was made in June AD 4 when Tiberius was almost 46 and Germanicus was 19. The account in Cassius Dio, 57, starts well, but rapidly declines into a litany of prosecutions and deaths though much of book 58. Lucius Aelius Sejanus' bearing on church history is not immediately apparent to the church historian. [63][64][65], Having settled these matters he traveled to Cyrrhus, a city in Syria between Antioch and the Euphrates, where he spent the rest of AD 18 in the winter quarters of the Legion X Fretensis. [note 2] Germanicus married Augustus' granddaughter, Agrippina the Elder, probably the next year, to further strengthen his ties to the imperial family. While Germanicus was administering the oath of fealty to Tiberius, a mutiny began among the forces on the Rhine. He is well known among Roman historians as the man who almost succeeded in overthrowing Tiberius Caesar. He was married in Rome, Roma, Lazio, Italy to Plautia Urgulanilla He was married in Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy to Plautia Urgulanilla, they had 2 children. From there Piso left for Syria where he immediately began replacing the officers with men loyal to himself in a bid to win the loyalty of his soldiers. He also courted popularity by ministering the Ludi Martiales (games of Mars), as mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Historia Naturalis, in which he released two hundred lions in the Circus Maximus. Germanicus, or Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus to give him his proper name, was not only an excellent commander, but one who took great care that his soldiers were well supplied and looked after. Relationship with/Role of Senate Topic Sentence: Despite making numerous attempts to work with the Senate, Tiberius’ relationship with the Senate started poorly upon his accession and further deteriorated during his principate as a result of his move to Capri. Germanicus stated that he did not want any prisoners, as the extermination of the Germanic tribes was the only conclusion he saw for the war. Germanicus fortunes waned when he fell out with one of Tiberius appointees, Piso. [90][91], The attitude of Suetonius toward Germanicus' personality and moral temperament is that of adoration. [18][19], After a distinguished start to his military career, Germanicus returned to Rome in late AD 9 to personally announce his victory. Germanicus Caesar (15 BCE-19 CE) was a Roman general under the reign of emperors Augustus and Tiberius who avenged the Roman massacre by the Germans at Teutoburg Forest, recaptured two of the three lost standards of the legions, and was universally respected as a man of honor and courage. [85] For his work, Germanicus is ranked among Roman writers on astronomy, and his work was popular enough for scholia to be written on it well into the Medieval era. Germanicus (15 BCE - 19 CE) was a commander in the Roman Empire with a glowing reputation in his time under the rule of the Emperor Tiberius.His position in the Roman Empire was a unique and important one.