Brother Chris (right) is a CNN anchor and co-host of ABC's 20/20. ; M A R I O A N Z U O N I / R E U T E R S ( M O L LY M U N G E R ). All Rights Reserved. Meanwhile, Rosalynn has been an advocate for mental health. The dynasty includes two Chicago mayors, a White House chief of staff, a former state senator, and an alderman who is already stoking speculation of a mayoral run. The inner circle in Saudi Arabia is 2,000 people, so the family is too vast to keep track of, but King Salman (right, with his late son Prince Fahd) is decisively in charge. Jay-Z) Minority Report (Jay-Z feat. REALITY CHECK: All four brothers contribute to both partie—and rub shoulders with them, too, often hosting events at Casa de Campo in the Dominican Republic. Father Ron—the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement—is a physician turned Congressman from Texas who ran for president three times. WE HAVE THEM TO THANK FOR: Health insurance that covers your shrink. Cindy, a beer distribution heiress, is vocally pro-life and also a prominent humanitarian, most recently in the fight against human trafficking. His son Jonathan (left) cofounded his own Super PAC, Friends of Democracy, which is dedicated to ending the influence of big money in politics, while brother Alex focuses on social issues. DINNER PARTY TRIVIA: Jonathan met his wife while working for the '92 Clinton-Gore campaign. Bill or Hillary could parachute into any nation and within 10 minutes have an invite from the president and a limo to pick him or her up, courtesy of the country's leading center-left industrialist. His lobbyist brother Tony is less partisan; his clients include Lockheed Martin, Walmart, and BP. She's not a fan of distant cousin Mitt Romney. Alessandra Neidich, Jon Neidich, Olivier Sarkozy et Mary-Kate Olsen au gala caritatif organisé par le Child Mind Institute à New York le 26 novembre 2014 ", John, the Vietnam War hero and United States Senator from Arizona, lost his 2008 presidential bid against Obama and has been one of the president's most vocal opponents (though not enough for the Tea Party). Their conservative political network plans to spend nearly $900 million in the 2016 election. Jon Neidich, the 33-year-old restaurateur son of Brooke and Dan Neidich, is working on two new bars: Slowly Shirley, under the Happiest Hour, and Tico’s Tequila Bar, downstairs from Tijuana Picnic. Pepe, left) and Alexander reach into their pockets for Rubio. © 2020 Relationship Science LLC. FUTURE HEADLINE: "George P. Bush announces 2036 presidential bid.". Meanwhile, son-in-law Jared Kushner (husband of Ivanka), a fellow real estate magnate and owner of the New York Observer, is a contributor to the Democratic Party. Witness the DeVos Place convention center, the DeVos Graduate School at Northwood University, the DeVos Performance Hall, the Helen DeVos Children's Hospital, etc. 167 Likes, 6 Comments - Jon Neidich (@jonneidich) on Instagram: “Sometimes the last photo of the night/morning says it it all. (Seriously, his Twitter skills are tops.). Herb and his late wife Marion—the savings-and-loan billionaires and Giving Pledgers— are behind progressive efforts like the Center for American Progress and the investigative journalism outlet ProPublica. Creative Time commissions, produces and presents temporary public arts projects. WE HAVE THEM TO THANK FOR: Ape conservation, which Arcus also funds—enough that a newly discovered monkey was named Rhinopithecus strykeri. The hawkish son and grandson of four-star navy admirals is less ideological than his fellow Republicans and is often called a maverick—but then, his wife Cindy and daughter Meghan could be described the same way. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and Billionaire siblings Ronda (left), Pat, and Jon (right)—heirs to a Michigan medical tech company—collectively contributed millions to the Coalition for Progress, a PAC created by Jon to support liberal causes and Democratic Party candidates. The couple is already parents to daughter Carmen Gabriela and sons Romeo Alejandro David, Leonardo Ángel Charles and Rafael Thomas. Kravis KKR cofounder Henry and businesswoman/philanthropist Marie-Josée—longtime Republican donor—charged $100,000 a head for the privilege of spending a February evening at their Park Avenue triplex hobnobbing with Jeb Bush. Our third annual compilation highlighting the clans that most affect the American political landscape. Jim proudly served his country in the U.S. Army and was stationed at Camp Losey in Puerto Rico. Has anyone taken advantage of the Citizens United ruling (allowing unlimited political donations) more than the Koch brothers Charles (right) and David, who share a family fortune of more than $80 billion? Not if they can help it. FUTURE HEADLINE: "President Rubio Chooses Norman Braman as Ambassador to Israel.". Nurture your network and further your business goals with smart intelligence on the people and companies that matter most to you. The Institute teams work every day to deliver the highest standards of care, advance the science of the developing brain and empower parents, professionals and policymakers to support children when and where they need it most. It was prologue to the most influential post-presidency ever. Jimmy's term was not just an interregnum memorable only for cardigans and lust in the heart. WE HAVE THEM TO THANK FOR: Hilarious miscalculations, like an app that allows fans to take a selfie "with" Rand; within minutes Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" rear was in his face. Charismatic brother Jim, a child advocate and Stanford professor who taught Chelsea Clinton, partnered with Hillary on the Too Small to Fail initiative. B R A Z Z I E L L / A U S T I N A M E R I C A N - S TAT E S M A N / A P, T I M O T H Y G R E E N F I E L D - S A N D E R S / C O R B I S O U T L I N E, M A R I O T E S T I N O / A R T PA RT N E R / G E T T Y I M A G E, P R A K A S H S I N G H / A F P / G E T T Y I M A G E S, J A N E M I N G AY / A F P / G E T T Y I M A G E S, H U G O P H I L P O T T / A F P / G E T T Y I M A G E S, L E S T E R C O H E N / W I R E I M A G E, C H A R L E S R E X A R B O G A S T / A P P H O T O, B R E N D A N S M I A L O W S K I / N E W Y O R K T I M E S, A D I T H YA S A M B A M U RT H Y / C E N T E R F O R I N V E S T I G AT I V E R E P O R T I N G ( C H A R L E S M U N G E R J R . )