HR Points: 240 Contract Fee: 1100z, "A baleful comet, crimson-bright: the terrible Valstrax! Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 100z, The Village Chief loves his Premium Sashimi so much, he used to make hunters go fish for their "training." There's been talk about odd, blade-sharpening sounds coming from deep in the forest, but I'm sure you'll be fine! Contract Fee: 300z, Ugh! HR Points: 620 Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable I've known him for most my life. I need you to get out there and mess IT up! Subquest HR Points: 10 Reward: 7500z Environment: Stable Reward: 10800z Reward: 2700z Reward: 3600z Subquest HR Points: 20 Contract Fee: 900z, There's still much to learn about Brachydios, especially given that it's only just been recently discovered. Environment: Unstable -Sleepless Felyne, Hunt 2 Yian Kut-Ku before time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket, Location: Verdant Hills (Night) Environment: Stable HR Points: 40 Contract Fee: 300z, Ick! Contract Fee: 600z, Lavasioth live in molten rock, so their shells are just the thing for insulating the outer parts of the Soaratorium. Reward: 12000z HR Points: 350 HR Points: 150 - Troubled Pharmacist, Location: Dunes Serving Waldorf & Southern Maryland, Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert County with Turf Sod since 1968 r/MHGU. -Guild Manager, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) Contract Fee: 300z, I have a patient back in my village afflicted with a rare disease. -Felyne Fisherman, Location: Deserted Island Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 60 Time Limit: 50 min. I don't really believe in luck, but whatever. Reward: 3300z Subquest Reward: 300z Must complete all 10★ Village Key Quests and reach HR 9 to unlock. Time Limit: 50 min. Then look no further than this Quest, brave Hunter. Environment: Stable HR Points: 250 Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: 50 -Bherna Husband, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) HR Points: 100 Another Glavenus is back and terrorizing the Wycademy! Contract Fee: 200z, Truly a wonder of nature the Great Maccao is. Subquest HR Points: 10 Reward: 3600z Subquest HR Points: N/A We still have much to learn about this place, but maybe if you collect some, we could analyze it and see where that takes us. That's because they come packed with attacks that'll inflict all sorts of Abnormal Statuses! A blood-colored demon has ascended from the depths to plague the land. HR Points: 100 Contract Fee: 400z, As the name implies, the Ruined Pinnacle is way up high and covered in ruins. Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 5100z - Wyventurer, Location: Primal Forest Subquest Reward: 0z Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: N/A We'd go, but our bowels are moving in the opposite direction if ya know what I mean! - Royal Cook, Location: Ancestral Steppe HR Points: 380 Reward: 12z Environment: Stable Reward: 2700z -Wandering Blademaster, Location: Verdant Hills (Night) Subquest Reward: 3000z Home; About Us. Time Limit: 50 min. - Charm-clutching Lady, Location: Marshlands THIS IS TERRIBLE! Adds Cathar Tomato to the ingredients list. Subquest HR Points: 30 Reward: 7500z Before they knew it, everyone had either passed out or gotten so confused they don't remember a thing. Contract Fee: 600z, Now just where am I going to get fresh paralytic fluid and toxin from? HR Points: 250 HR Points: 80 You've come right in time to purrovide help! Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: N/A Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 30 Environment: Unstable Subquest Reward: 3000z All the girls are drinking it, so I gotta get my hands on some, like now! - Monster Researcher, Location: Frozen Seaway Time Limit: 50 min. Then have I got a Quest for you! Village Guilde Arène Entraînement Licence spéciale Evènements . Contract Fee: 0z, Location: Marshlands Subquest Reward: 3000z Contract Fee: 600z, I love Shogun Ceanataurs, don't you!? I felt a tug on my foot and knew I was done for. Reward: 1500z Reward: 600z Take care, now. Contract Fee: 700z, Hiya Hunter! Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 200z, My! Contract Fee: 0z, So you're interested in what you can find on the Ancestral Steppe, eh? Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 80 HR Points: 130 Subquest Reward: 3000z My mom sent me to the Misty Peaks to dig up mushrooms, see, and all of a sudden those beasts were behind me! HR Points: 40 Contract Fee: 1000z, My acquaintance says hunters cry with happiness whenever they find new prey. Time Limit: 50 min. Immediate hunter action required. Reward: 900z HR Points: 50 Contract Fee: 400z, I'm reporting live from the Arctic Ridge where two Lagombi are making their way across the frozen landscape. They burrow right through volcanic rock. HR Points: 250 Little dangerous, but that's purr for the course for you, nya? Subquest Reward: 600z Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest Reward: 1800z Environment: Stable Environment: Unstable Subquest Reward: N/A How about it, Scrawn? Reward: 3600z Environment: Stable Subquest HR Points: 10 Reward: 6000z Contract Fee: 3000z, When you have it all, the Arena is the only thing that can excite you. HR Points: 80 -Troubled Noble, Location: Misty Peaks Rare. Subquest HR Points: N/A Reward: 18000z HR Points: 130 HR Points: 370 Any items are fine, as long as you meet the quota. It's becoming a real problem to anyone who ventures out there. Reward: 3300z That's sure to make it a hit! I'd found a helper, I was sure -- but he found the Arena held more allure. 4 years ago . Subquest HR Points: 0 Deliver whatever items you like. That means you get to go carve three of them for me! Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: 900z Subquest HR Points: 90 mhgu hyper catalyst+. Environment: Unstable Environment: Stable There the golden sun and silver moon are always shining day and night, and visitors encounter a trial the likes of which they've never seen before! Rude! Not only was it jolly scary but now I'm simply COVERED in sand! Subquest Reward: 900z HR Points: 580 HR Points: 310 HR Points: 120 I am COLD. Reward: 1200z - Bright-eyed Aristocrat, Location: Ancestral Steppe An unsettling blue light leached color from the forest... What was that sound? Some people have also spotted Bulldrome around there lately, so keep an eye out so they don't ambush you. Of course! -Misty Peaks Felynes, Location: Marshlands -Meowstress, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) Environment: Unstable -Quivering Private, Location: Dunes In fact, I'll probably be for the chop if I don't manage to lay my hands on one. While we don't know how to refine it yet, it's still a valuable resource. Could you hunt me a Khezu at the Arctic Ridge? Contract Fee: 200z, I've gotten my paws on all kinds of monster meat before. Reward: 22800z Subquest HR Points: 10 Environment: Unstable Contract Fee: 1300z, I live to hike. Subquest HR Points: 30 Unlocks the Moga Bee Yard trade contract. Environment: Unstable There are some Village requests you have to do in Pokke for the Armory Granny to unlock some of them, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a requirement to see all of them. I simply must know more, so I'd love it if you captured me a specimen to examine! Contract Fee: 0z, Unique Ferns are tasty and all, but when people keep eating them, there are no specimens to research! HR Points: 120 Subquest Reward: N/A HR Points: 550 Please, pull him out of the fire! Reward: 1800z Reward: 9300z Environment: Unstable If you can help me out, I'll teach you how to easily employ more Felynes! "Kougeki" means attack! Subquest Reward: 2100z HR Points: 80 -Yukumo Gal, Location: Arctic Ridge (Day) When you're done just deliver a Paw Pass Ticket to return! Subquest HR Points: 10 HR Points: 100 HR Points: 710 Time Limit: 50 min. A Gypceros, a Rathian, and a Yian Garuga. Subquest Reward: 2100z And steppe on it! Subquest HR Points: N/A Go out and get me ten. - Patrol Squad Liaison, Location: Primal Forest Subquest Reward: 1200z Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 600z, True horror lurks within the murky Marshlands... Two airborne wyverns, pallid hides gleaming in the dark skies, bodies sparking with electricity. Environment: Stable Trenya, bring your big-nosed hunter lackey and come punish the purrpetrators right away! Subquest HR Points: 0 Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: N/A Well, for these old bones it is. Environment: Stable I'm scared what'll happen to my friends and everyone else if we leave it alone. They're idiots, but I can't leave 'em be. It's got unique evolutionary patterns you can't find aaanywhere else! HR Points: 280 -Veteran Paleontologist, Deliver 10 Unique Ferns or a Paw Pass Ticket, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) Subquest HR Points: 30 The Astalos has increased health and only appears on the first runthrough. Subquest HR Points: 20 Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 2700z Environment: Stable I'd love to research it, but...sadly I'm a real entomophobe. Subquest Reward: 600z Would you care to busy yourself collecting points for me in the Marsh- lands? Reward: 1200z HR Points: 0 Please, Hunter, you have to do something, for their sake! Reward: 900z Adds Cannon Lettuce to the ingredients list. I want you to dee-liver... Yeah! Just deliver a Paw Pass Ticket when you're done, and back you'll come. Environment: Unstable Reward: 10800z Reports of it already causing widespread storm damage in the area. Pleeeease! Environment: Unstable Environment: Unstable What gives!? Contract Fee: 800z, I had a bad feeling ever since that Valstrax monster showed up. Contract Fee: 600z, Some eerie cries have been getting closer to the village every night. How about we tackle a Duramboros hump next? 'Unt me a Glavenus -- then we'll talk! HR Points: 50 HR Points: 350 HR Points: 320 Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: 600z Reward: 2100z Contract Fee: 300z, Hunter, Hunter! Environment: Unstable Environment: Stable Can't fish with one of those goofs hanging round. Time Limit: 50 min. I mean seriously, I can't work like this. - Wyventurer, Location: Ruined Pinnacle HR Points: 170 Subquest Reward: 600z Subquest HR Points: 30 Take 'em out so my deal won't fall through! Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest HR Points: 10 HR Points: 150 Reward: 3300z The Yukumo Gal hooked me up with a Quest request for you to house that Lame-o-los that's lurkin' on the Deserted Island. Things are lookin' grim out in the Verdant Hills. Subquest HR Points: N/A Environment: Stable - Hobby Hiker, Location: Jungle Good luck, now! Contract Fee: 300z, We discovered special ore at the Ruined Pinnacle that we can't get anywhere else! -Battered Fisherman, Location: Misty Peaks (Day) Subquest Reward: 1200z Subquest HR Points: 50 HR Points: 170 Environment: Unstable Contract Fee: 300z, Psst! Contract Fee: 200z, Grrr! Subquest Reward: N/A Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 80 HR Points: 320 I thought it was a giant boulder tumbling down the mountain, but no, it was a monster comin' to eat me! Subquest HR Points: 90 Subquest Reward: 2400z Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: 300z Subquest HR Points: 40 The rampage is not just a large group of of monsters attacking all at once, rather, it is a mysterious event that causes monsters to go berserk, … Acquire . Can you check it out and take care of that Bulldrome while you're at it? Contract Fee: 200z, Young Hunter, your hands seem idle. HR Points: 320 Take care, now. -Careless Explorer, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 90 Be on your guard, Hunter! Subquest Reward: 3000z Subquest Reward: 1200z Subquest Reward: 2700z Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 300z, Young Hunter, your hands seem idle. Subquest Reward: 1500z Please, hide my shame! I can't finish it unless the hunter (that's you) actually goes! Time Limit: 50 min. And now a gang of 'em are terrorizing the Misty Peaks! Time Limit: 50 min. - Head Moga Farmer, Location: Primal Forest HR Points: 80 - Affluent Lady, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) Help! Advanced Quests (高難度) are quests a rank above the normal setting. Environment: Stable -Big-headed Hunter, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) Contract Fee: ? So when she heard about an Arzuros at the Ruined Pinnacle, she was desperate to go see it, but no way am I putting her in harm's way. Environment: Unstable Subquest Reward: 2400z Contract Fee: 600z, I've only known the gods from their legends -- never did I expect to see one in my lifetime. Villagers ask Neko to gather Abyssal Mushrooms from Jurassic Frontier. I can't be seen in public like this! Contract Fee: 300z, Huh, what? Reward: 10800z Contract Fee: 600z, Oh, please hear me out! To hear them tell it, there ain't no one better. I don't like to press you, but could you come to the Felyne's rescue? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at:! Contract Fee: 0z, In the Frontier there are Felynes in trouble. Contract Fee: 500z, I'm reporting live from the Volcano, where we're observing two majestic Volvidons. Contract Fee: 500z, Bloomin' 'eck I got a right old surprise! Reward: 15300z Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 180 Subquest Reward: 1800z Environment: Stable As a forger, I'm keen to learn all that I can. Contract Fee: 100z, Prowler, heed my request! Environment: Stable Environment: Unstable Contract Fee: 800z, Hunter, I ask this on behalf of all the chiefs in this region: Please hunt the Mizutsune blocking our trade routes. Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. -Foreign Monk, Hunt a Great Maccao, a Yian Kut-Ku and a Malfestio, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) HR Points: 220 One of my little hunter newbies has gone off alone to hunt a Rathian. Amatsu sighted at Sacred Pinnacle. I don't know if this is to do with those creepy ancient writings you guys found, but I do know you're the only Wycademy hunter around who can take care of it. Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 200z, Young Hunter, your hands seem idle. Reward: 3600z Contract Fee: 300z, Gettin' treasure trembles fer this Blossom Cricket I picked up in the Jurassic Frontier? -Very Suspect Peddler, Location: Volcano Environment: Unstable All available hunters have been mobilized, but to no avail. ...Wait, are they coming this way!? - Patrol Squad Liaison, Location: Volcanic Hollow Environment: Stable Dish out justice for me, Hunter! I got splattered with weird gunk that sapped my Stamina, so I couldn't even run! Environment: Stable Avenge me -- take out ten of them! Subquest Reward: 2400z Contract Fee: 200z, Was delivering new trade cart when spotted by Yian Kut-Ku! I can't ignore the scent of zenny to be made. HR Points: 1040 Subquest HR Points: 0 Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable HR Points: 320 Reward: 1200z I can tell from the look in your eyes. Contract Fee: 200z, I've got a real mushroom problem, Hunter! Then have I got a Quest for you! HR Points: 1200 Cripes, they're looking right at me! Subquest HR Points: N/A Unlocks the Arena Quest "Grudge Match: Gypceros". Am I right? Contract Fee: 800z, Urgently requesting help in Primal Forest. They flew towards the Jungle. Contract Fee: 600z, I was out peddling a little while ago when I saw a Yian Garuga swoop down! Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 500z, On the way to the Ancestral Steppe, I got noticed by a Kecha Wacha and a Great Maccao! HR Points: 320 Environment: Unstable Could you help us out here? Reward: 12000z Once you have saved them from certain defeat, come to see me for a sweet little treat! Time Limit: 50 min. There I was mindin' me own business, tryin' ta lug my wares over yonder ridge, 'til those confounded Giaprey come out some hidey-hole an' trash all my stuff! Contract Fee: 300z, So, uh, I heard a Yian Kut-Ku showed up at the Ruined Pinnacle. Reward: 8100z -Yukumo Chief, Location: Misty Peaks (Day) Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A Reward: 5400z They had a leader, too -- a Giadrome! So, wanna give it a shot? Contract Fee: 200z, Hunter, Hunter! Environment: Unstable Reward: 2700z This is bad! You can't tame monsters? However, one thing of which we can be certain, is that it's a totally unique beast. HR Points: 100 Reward: 12300z Environment: Unstable - Charm-clutching Lady. Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 460 Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 80 HR Points: 950 - Gentle Researcher, Location: Ruined Pinnacle Environment: Stable Terrible day for scientists! However, the tranquility was ruined by those horrible Konchu and Altaroth. Gather till your arms o'erflow, and when you can't carry anymore, deliver a Paw Pass Ticket. -Yukumo Gloomy Gus, Location: Misty Peaks (Night) Subquest Reward: 0z -Yukumo Bandwagon Rider, Location: Misty Peaks (Day) Subquest HR Points: 110 HR Points: 40 Can you please yank her out of trouble again? Contract Fee: 0z, I see you're interested in doing some gathering up at the Ruined Pinnacle. Environment: Stable Subquest Reward: 600z What? Subquest HR Points: N/A Been attacked by a Malfestio and Tetsucabra on Deserted Island. Win the game, and I'll share some more great tips with you! Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 7200z Mom yelled at me and the world sucks and no one understands how hard it is. Have given this note to a friendly Moofah in the vain hope it'll end up in the right hands. Contract Fee: 300z, Thanks to you, business is soaring! Environment: Unstable HR Points: 220 Unlocks the 7★ Prowler Quest "Dashing Velocidrome". Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 13200z We've just heard from our fishermen out in the sea that a Lagiacrus is here in this region! -Bherna Gal, Location: Marshlands Time Limit: 50 min. -Head Moga Farmer, Location: Misty Peaks (Night) -Kokoto Gatekeeper, Location: Verdant Hills (Night) HR Points: 80 Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 300z, Heya, Hunter! Ambushed my caravan and tore my business a new one! HR Points: 0 Subquest Reward: 2700z Randomly cycles in and out of the Quest List. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 70 The volume of any object, no matter how large, can be gauged by how much water it displaces! Go and gather till you drop. Reward: 4500z Use the eyes in your heart... And then...SMASH IT WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! They are a hot commodity right meow that people are willing to trade fur. Environment: Stable Environment: Unstable Subquest HR Points: 70 Environment: Stable -Distant Yukumo Elder, Location: Misty Peaks (Day) - Provincial Bodyguard, Location: Misty Peaks I'm out of stock!? Please, make them go away! I'm counting on you! Subquest HR Points: 20 Subquest HR Points: 0 Naturally, two brutish Arzuros have to turn up and ruin everything. Reward: 1200z Environment: Unstable -Haggard Geologist, Location: Marshlands They're ravenous carnivores. Well, at least give it a try! -Bherna Chief, Location: Dunes A trio of blue monsters have shown up and is causing a fuss, but I'm sure you can handle it! Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A Environment: Unstable Time Limit: 50 min. Surely, there must be one who will step up to the challenge? I heard about a pack of Jaggi roaming closer and closer to the village lately. Reward: 18000z Yes, a nice electric massage should do the trick. Contract Fee: 600z, The Arctic Ridge has materials I need to remake the Hero's Blade, but right now it's home to a nasty Tigrex. -Verdant Hills Lumberjacks, Location: Verdant Hills (Day) HR Points: 250 Reward: 2100z Subquest HR Points: 50 Contract Fee: 2200z, You must be the hunter that nobody can shut up about! I'd like for you to hunt a Rathalos at the recently discovered location we call the Ruined Pinnacle. Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable HR Points: 40 Any items are fine, as long as you meet the quota. Below is a walkthrough of the Village Quests which are the Low Rank portion of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate single player portion. Are love with me? If you look closely, you can see... you can see... them coming this way! Isn't it your job to keep the wildlife in line? - Wyventurer, Location: Frozen Seaway Subquest HR Points: 60 Anyway, can you help them out again? Reward: 6600z Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A Ward it off, would you? Subquest Reward: 300z Environment: Unstable Naturally, I was inclined to discover whether there was any truth to this. Contract Fee: 50z, Oh my gosh! Subquest Reward: 1800z Subquest Reward: 1200z HR Points: 80 Subquest HR Points: N/A Reward: 7500z Subquest Reward: N/A Could you maybe...take care of it for me? Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: 1500z Time Limit: 50 min. CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Where to Buy 2021 Gaming Laptops with the Newest GeForce RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Video Cards, Things Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Doesn't Tell You. Hope you're ready to give them all you've got, 'cause they don't know how to go easy on anybody! HR Points: 120 Come, fellow settlers! Subquest Reward: 2100 Subquest Reward: N/A You will spawn in Area 11 on the first runthrough. Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, Oh, you're just itching to go gathering at the Volcano, aren't you? Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. Picture this: you, versus a Rathalos AND a Rathian! Reward: 1200z Earn it by 'untin' me a Volvidon! Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 1200 Adds the Rife Roast to the Bistro. Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 200z, Young Hunter, your hands seem idle. Subquest HR Points: 70 Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 2100z Is it just me? Reward: 13200z Contract Fee: 100z, You know what Giaprey are, yeah? Sorry to say, but if ye want it, ye gotta go work fer it! Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 8100z Subquest Reward: 2400 Reward: 20100z A Glavenus hit us out of nowhere. Contract Fee: 7000z, I've found the most fascinating specimen in the Dunes that I want you to trap! For a list of only Key Quests, see MHGU: Village Key Quests. -Jurassic Frontiersman, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) Environment: Stable Reward: 300z Contract Fee: 1400z, Memo to research team. Time Limit: 50 min. They're right behind you! Environment: Unstable Reward: 5100z Help! Contract Fee: 1900z, O brave, wise, courageous hunter, only you can rise to the challenge that I have set forth. I'm in a sticky situation here! Subquest Reward: 2400 Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 50 I mean, they don't look even remotely the same, right? HR Points: 70 "Chameleos approaching village [STOP] All available hunters report ASAP [END MESSAGE]" Please hurry, and mind it doesn't steal your supplies with that blasted tongue! Environment: Unstable Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 12z HR Points: 120 Remobras hate loud noises, so use that to your advantage. Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest HR Points: 20 Subquest Reward: N/A The ones you will face are overwhelmingly powerful and fierce. HR Points: 640 HR Points: 510 Subquest Reward: N/A Well, maybe you need to prove your worth on the battlefield again, no? Save me from becoming the main course and you'll be amply rewarded! I think this might be a job fer you! Contract Fee: 300z, I worked so hard to reach the Ruined Pinnacle and take in the beauty of its view. Time Limit: 35 min. Environment: Stable Environment: Stable Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: 30 Protect my home and my people, I beg of you. Time Limit: 50 min. Mind nabbing me a few? HR Points: 690 Subquest Reward: 600z Contract Fee: ? Subquest HR Points: N/A A thing like that'll make short work of anythin' in its path. Do you think you could lend me a hand out there? -Black-cloaked Hunter, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Night) Environment: Unstable HR Points: 400 Reward: 9900z He's more than just an official -- he's my dear friend. Contract Fee: 300z, I sense an ill omen that could spell disaster for the Volcano, should it be left unchecked. HR Points: 670 Reward: 1500z Must complete the 8★ Village Key Quests ". - Luckless Drifter, Hunt a Great Maccao, a Volvidon, and a Nargacuga, Location: Jurassic Frontier The barrel business is s'pposed t'be safe, by gum! Subquest Reward: 1200z - Lover of all Things Cute, Location: Misty Peaks (Day) Contract Fee: 0z, Have you ever wondered what you can gather from the Volcanic Hollow? She's charging off on another Quest and neglecting her Guild Gal duties? Except, I can't seem to get 'em to hold still long enough to sew 'em together! Rewards the Tanzia Sweetheart as a Housekeeper. Reward: 1200z Research team is requested to proceed to Wyvern's End and eliminate the threat. Now, two of them are hot on MY tail! Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. Reward: 900z Reward: 900z What I've done with the help of /u/Shadyfigure (well, I did most of the work but he's helping anyway) is quest … Environment: Unstable Reward: 11400z Time Limit: 50 min. Dungeon Quest!. Contract Fee: 500z, You came at just the right time, Hunter! Subquest HR Points: 20 -Bherna Healer, Eastern medicine believes Kelbi Horns can help heal injuries, so I'd like to keep a stockpile in my house. My position as Royal Cook is at steak! Are there prerequisites for them? Watch out fur the Nargacuga though! Subquest HR Points: 40 Word has it there are Tall Mushrooms up at the Ruined Pinnacle. I'm an expert, I'm fairly sure Genprey aren't necessary to the ecosystem! And do you know where the best furtilizer comes from? HR Points: 300 Contract Fee: 200z, [REPORT BEGINS] Lagombi spotted in the Arctic Ridge [STOP] Requesting support from all qualified hunters [STOP] We are snowed in and cannot render assistance [REPORT ENDS] -Eagle-eyed Observer, Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) Brrrr! He claims a Ceanataur ripped up his clothes! It may be most dangerous, but you would be honored to eliminate it and keep the villagers safe from harm. -Wycademy Explorer, You ever seen a Maccao? One of the *ahem* biggest barriers is a Deviljho roaming about. I can tell you about a place nobody else knows. Reward: 1500z Reward: 9900z Reward: 900z Last night, I saw two red shooting stars streak overhead. HR Points: 560 Environment: Unstable What am I doing wrong!? -Mining Maniac, Location: Volcano Subquest HR Points: N/A On the way, a Velocidrome attacked her! But! Subquest Reward: 600z Me shoulders are givin' me trouble again. Subquest HR Points: N/A But be careful, I heard there's a Rathian about! Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is an updated version of Monster Hunter Generations and features a new monster, two new Hunter styles, and more. HR Points: 130 Put that abomination somewhere I can't see him, ever! - Young Settler Leader, Location: Desert Time Limit: 50 min. That traveler, it would seem, is an elder dragon. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: 100 HR Points: 0 Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 120 Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 200z, Yian Kut-Ku have been going after people all over the place, and during my patrol earlier, I spotted one wandering close to town. -Yukumo Chief, Location: Jurassic Frontier (Day) Saa! [Guild★6] Hyper for Holes . Upon completion of this final hunt, you may find your eyes opened to the true meaning of being a hunter. Can you thin their numbers a bit? Good luck, Hunter. I've got two Royal Ludroth I'd love to see gone from the Misty Peaks. -Verdant Hills Felyne, Location: Arctic Ridge (Day) -Guild Manager, Location: Marshlands I mean-- look, can you just throw me a bone here? - Eloquent Songwright, Location: Frozen Seaway Subquest HR Points: N/A - Zamtrios Maniac, Location: Frozen Seaway Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Unstable - Pokke Gal, Hunt a Rathalos, a Tigrex, a Nargacuga, and a Rajang, Location: Arena HR Points: 100 Contract Fee: 3300z, Today's cast of monsters oughta keep you right busy! -Pokke Chief, Location: Misty Peaks (Night) I in love...with THEM? Reward: 1500z Environment: Stable Subquest Reward: N/A HR Points: 400 HR Points: 490 -Prudent Salesman, Location: Misty Peaks (Night) Environment: Unstable Reward: 7800z Subquest HR Points: 70 Environment: Unstable HR Points: 600 Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 2700z A pair of Nerscylla have me in their web. And you don't have to be particularly elite either... - Wyverian Maiden, Location: Ruined Pinnacle Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, I have a Quest right here that will allow you to fulfill your long-cherished desire to gather on Misty Peaks. Subquest HR Points: 90 Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Contract Fee: 1200z, I got in a fight recently, and I kinda lost. Hunter, make it shut up before it drives me up the wall! - Desperate Explorer, Location: Marshlands Reward: 2100z HR Points: 80 HR Points: 800 Time Limit: 50 min. HR Points: 100 HR Points: 80 It's gonna be cold there, so down some Hot Drinks! Environment: Stable - Secretly Kind Senior Hunter, Location: Jungle - Wyventurer, Location: Ruined Pinnacle Contract Fee: 1300z, Are you kidding!? -Guild Manager, Location: Arctic Ridge (Day) -Arctic Villager, Location: Arctic Ridge (Night) HR Points: 510 HR Points: 180 -Feckless Gourmet, Hunt 2 Daimyo Hermitaur before time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket, Location: Deserted Island Contract Fee: 100z, Mushrooms from the Verdant Hills are suddenly in high demand. Contract Fee: 20z, Hello there, Prowler! Reward: 5400z Subquest Reward: N/A -Pokke Manager, Hunt a Volvidon, a Daimyo Hermitaur and a Rathalos, Location: Arena Contract Fee: 1100z, O Hunter sharp in mind and weapon true; Atop the Ruined Pinnacle it lies; A thund'rous beast with claws as sharp as steel, so proud and golden in its regal stride. Just earlier he spied a Kirin, said, "that seems like a suitable mount" and tried to drag it off! Maybe that because there is Rathalos and Rathian in the Verdant Hills? Subquest HR Points: 50 Subquest HR Points: 480 Reward: 2400z