This is your main heavy cavalry to shatter armies with flanking charges on strong units, or head on charges against weaker ones. You should always hire these mercs as they are very useful. You don’t really have much of a chance to fight them in the campaign because of how rushed it is, but if you do encounter them pin them with infantry then crash into their back with cavalry. You can’t rely on this general’s bodyguard like you could in the earlier total war games as it will die faster than you’re used to. Description (in author’s own words): Rome - Total War: Alexander mod enchances vanilla experience with lots of new campaigns, historical battles and 450+ units. It also features far, far fewer units than previous games, since it only has four factions, though the Dahae is spilt up to include Thrace, Scythia and others, it’s still treated as one faction but with different unit stats. Immortals are apparently Persia’s elite troops, but you sure as heck wouldn’t know. i tried the Unit ID's of alot of the Greek and Macedon unit id's, but couldnt get those to work either. Regardless of their factual accuracy, Indian Longbowmen are head and shoulders above the other archers, to the point where it seems they are way overpowered to try to compensate for India’s other weaknesses. Archers are weaker in ALX. ... create_unit "Alexander" "greek royal cavalry" 5 9 3 3. They aren’t all that common as barbarians seem to prefer massed infantry, but when they do show up treat them with a certain amount of respect and use your many spears to take them down. The id shown doesn't work and it crashes my game. Indian slingers are your basic slingers, and are exactly like RTW’s version. They have a poor attack, low defense and little armor so they die quickly in melee while not really doing much of anything to phalanxes or infantry. There are 240 men per unit and there will always be a lot, so shoot them with missiles, charge them with your infantry in phalanx or not and crash into their rear with cavalry to rout them as quickly as possible. On campaign this is a very common Persian unit and while they are dangerous to light troops their weak charge handicaps them. If you use them yourself, use them only for fodder and pushing rams, as they won’t do a very good job even against cavalry. The game is much the same as the original Rome: Total War, but with fewer factions, different units, and a different map. If anyone could point me in the right direction to find copies of the complete unit lists for the games (especially Rome, Barb. Scythian peasants are surprising, because they actually are decently armored and have 3 attack, the same as Eastern Mercenaries. They have no melee attack or defense, very low morale and drop instantly in melee like a beetle crushed under a boot. Though they will still die quickly to missiles and cavalry attacks as they lack shields, the last hurrah for peasants in the RTW series is their strongest iteration yet. Rome: Total War - Cheat List/FAQ. Please read the RTW part of the guide in my. Alexander, the guy the games about. Allied cavalry are almost too well armored for light cavalry, but are lighter than other heavy cavalry so they belong here. Greek, Slave & Greek Cities unit IDs completed. Full unit roster, character names, and their own stature within the campaign sandbox. Neither is there anything on Medieval Total War or Shogun Total War. Frankly I don’t have a clue about this unit. They are still better off unleashing a storm of javelins from a safe distance however. These mercs will come in very handle for shattering non spear units with charges and flanking, as well as chasing routers. They can still kill your lightly armored troops so keep troops like Prodromoi away unless they are charging them. The expansion plays much the same as the original game but with a new map, fewer factions and different units. They have a good attack and charge and their defense is better than the RTW/BI version of this unit and they also have some armor. This unit doesn’t actually seem to be in the campaign, as generals have a different unit for their bodyguard. Hoplites are the rank and file of Macedon’s armies. Tribal slingers are good units to use, more than capable of inflicting casualties on tougher enemy units. THE ULTIMATE STRATEGIC CHALLENGE… This unit is well worth the cost; though watch out for their upkeep, which is more than twice as much as normally recruited Hoplites. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Rome: Total War - Alexander for PC. Even though phalanxes will be the main force of your Greek flavored march across Persia there are only two recruitable phalanxes in the entire game, both of them Macedon’s. They wield armor piercing axes and this together with their great charge, horrible defense and lack of armor makes them the most useful at flanking and chasing routers. For all their strengths however, these cavalry just die like anyone else when they get caught up on your phalanxes and the AI is stupid enough in ALX to do this quite often. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. No specific codes for Barbaric, Carthaginian or The Roman Senate. Oh, yeah! You should use these like heavy peltasts in RTW: use them in missile duels as they take less casualties from return fire and use them as light infantry to help friendly units in need or flank weaker enemy units. My Thanks section added, because I felt that I needed to more highly recognise those of you who have contributed to this guide so far. In the campaign he has 124 guards, making him a very powerful unit indeed, as they have high stats and can completely change the fortunes of a battle. This bodyguard is used only for faction leaders and faction heirs and is the same as the Barbarian Warlord except they have 2 more armor. Just use them to chase routers and throw javelins into the backs of units or kill lighter ones, as even the lightest troops will kill these quickly in melee. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Hypaspists are normal spearmen for Macedon. They charge is also nothing amazing. Alexander has a huge bodyguard of tough companions, with the same stats as royal squadron. Medieval Kingdoms Total War … Since Alexander is such a rushed Total War you’ll probably be using quite a few of these units, since you have no time to train reinforcements and you should always use them to push battering rams and take missiles so your better troops that are hard to replace don’t have to. They have a good attack and morale so they can fight for quite a while even though their low amour and defense means they will die quickly. My question is this: I'm try to create ships- - I have been told two different ways of doing this. having issues with a lot of the add units like some times the hastati works and others it doesnt also units like peasants dont work either, is there a on going issue? Indian spearmen are a very weak unit, as they have a low attack and defense and no armor at all. Rome: Total War is a strategy video game developed by The Creative Assembly and originally published by Activision; its publishing rights have since passed to Sega.The game was released for Microsoft Windows in 2004. Some units lack speech. Modified unit IDs for Scythia and added some Slave unit IDs. The lack of fire at Well or skirmish is a major black mark against them though. They are quite a bit weaker than Phalangists and have much less attack. The custom battle version of Barbarian peasants can actually beat Persians Infantry in a straight fight, as the spears are hampered by their -4 vs. infantry penalty. 8. Alexander is the perfect game for seasoned commanders. They do a good job of skirmishing, as they have a good missile attack and good enough morale to skirmish properly. Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit Icons Normal's Rome II_Units Icons I hope that this is an ever growing list, because after all, this is a community guide and your feedback is the only way that I can successfully develop it. does anyone know the files for loacting these cheats? Barbarian archers are much like Archer Warbands from RTW. In custom battles he has 240, which is just a staggering number and can wipe entire armies without spearmen right off the map if they aren’t careful. Use them in the same way. They wield armor piercing axes, but your multitude of phalanx troops and spearmen can still kill them very easily and other heavier cavalry usually kill them too quickly to take many loses, thanks to the horsemen’s low defense. I tried to spawn them with console and it shows error massage. They are not a threat unless underestimated, or in large numbers. Since they are spearmen and most of the time in Alexander you’ll be using infantry, they will be almost useless against your forces and you should easily kill as many as Persia sends at you. As does Alexander himself, though it seems that these are his bodyguard, as they have exactly the same stats as him. They have a good attack for light cavalry, making them excellent for taking out missile units quickly and flanking and they have enough armor to survive in melee for at least a little while. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Rome: Total War. They can completely destroy the Persian war elephants. This may be Persia’s heaviest cavalry, able to wipe out your forces if they charge your non phalanx troops but the AI is just usually too stupid to use them properly. While they are much better troops than standard hoplites they still only have the same armor and it isn’t enough to completely stop missiles. It is only visible to you. Cretan archers shoot well and can stay in melee for a little while, but their useless defense ensures they will take causalities quickly, except against other weak missile units. Get more out of Rome: Total War - Alexander and enhance your gaming experience. I have tried running this with the Rome Total War: Alexander disc inserted in CD/DVD drive and without it. This cavalry isn’t a threat at all and it should fall quickly to just about anything. Inv. Companion cavalry is the elite of Macedon’s cavalry. Numidia, Armenia, Parthia, Pontus and Eastern unit ID list completed. They are also more than capable in melee as they have the same stats as barbarian general’s bodyguards and can beat the crap out of the other general’s bodyguards. They have the best elephants in the game as their stats are the best besides their armor and hitpoints being slightly lower. They have a good attack but their charge is low and their defense ensures they will get chopped to pieces. Barbarian cavalry are good light cavalry and at the beginning of the campaign when you are wiping out the barbarian settlements in Greece and later when you fight the Dahae you’ll find them used sometimes. This guide provides all working cheat codes for Rome: Total War, and shows you how to open the console to use them. I had not played Alexander the first time round but its awesome on the iPad with the touch screen controls that's been introduced. If I’ve left anything out feel free to contact me and I’ll put it in, but I’m done playing this. Persia never seems to use peasants in battle and you usually won’t be fighting these during the campaign. Barbarian Invasion (BI) Naval Units IDs added and preparation made for further IDs. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. You did a good job on a guide for a bad game :-). (! Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). They also have slightly more defense than Macedon’s peasants and can actually hold on for a little while in melee. Just don’t send him into obviously deadly situations or leave him in melee too long, unless you want to restore your last save, because if he dies your campaign is over whenever you win the battle or not. Its principal features are: * Revitalised Alexander campaign with the Greek Cities and Porus's India to subdue as well as Persia Persia seems to not use these units, so don’t worry too much about horse archers, just their javelin cavalry. on Rome: Total War PC message board and forum (page 1). Whatever they are they are certainly tough, as they are far better than the Persians normal cavalry bodyguard and have the highest defense in the game! You could use these as light infantry after their missiles have gone but don’t expect miracles. They are much better than other general’s bodyguards, as they have the same attack as the normal general’s bodyguards, but much more defense and are far more heavily armored. About their only use is holding the enemy while you flank with other units or as just another unit to toss into the fray, supporting your phalanx and adding their mass to the mix. Hi all, im trying to get this code to work, create_unit "Sparta" "unit id" 5 9 3 3 wich completely works for me in Rome Total War, however here in Alexander total war i cant get it to work. I'm glad someone is still supporting this old game, as I've recently rediscovered it since it was released on Android and I've been playing pretty obsessively for a couple months. Award. This is true Alexander! D&D Beyond They are no match in missile duels or melee for any other skirmishers. This makes them ever so slightly tougher to defeat, but it won’t be a problem at all when you’re playing Macedon. Cataphracts? ALX focuses on phalanx and spear units and is limited in most others. ... Rome Total War: Alexander Units. I wanted to put Judean Zealots in Jerusolem. Their missile attack is bad as well, though they are good against lightly armored units, like all archers. Buy Empire: Total War from All this page is, is a collection of Excel and Adobe Acrobat files that summarise generals' traits and ancillaries. The king of Macedonia, the honorable son following in his father’s footsteps. Alexander is very useful in battle, but he has a habit of dying sometimes even if his bodyguard hasn’t taken many losses, as he doesn’t seem to stay back much, leads the unit from the front left like generals do and always seems to be in direct combat with enemy troops. Rome Total War Unit Code: All Roman Greek and Carthaginian Units ... create_unit Rome "roman archer" 4 9 3 3 make sure you capatilize the first letter in the city. They have surprisingly low morale and you should watch out if they are outnumbered or attacked in the rear as they can rout more easily that you’d think for a phalanx. They are well armored and have good attack and defense so they are useful. If you’re the one using them target the armored units, though they have very good stats for fighting light troops as well. They are just like the RTW version of slingers, since they again don’t pierce armor, though slingers did in BI and they are equally useless in melee and distance combat. These skirmishers are somewhat more useful than most, as they are actually not too bad in melee and have ok attack and defense for a missile unit. They have a good attack for phalanx, and will kill enemies in from of them very quickly and they can fight well out of phalanx formation with their swords as well. They are still good for killing off lightly armored troops and the other factions have some good ones. Embarrassingly these are probably Indians best melee infantry, besides Longbowmen. This makes them die very, very quickly in a melee and makes it hard for them to contribute much to a fight, as they won’t kill many and will get whittled down to nothing fast. Try to take care of them and retrain them whenever possible. They are weaker than Indian elephants in raw stats, except that they are better armored and have one more hit point. This guide is a fragment of my full rtw series guide avilable as a pdf here. This unit is still available in custom battles and online. The only sword units in ALX, because of the multitude of spear units, Barbarian Swordsmen have very good attack, but low defense and low armor and are best used as flankers. This is wonderful, great job. Reply Delete. If you have to use them, keep them well protected behind whatever units you have, and don’t even think of sending them into melee to help other units, because they are of no use whatsoever. For a gentler introduction to classical warfare, start with ROME: Total War. So you are limited to fighting Persia mostly. Rome Total War: Alexander is part of the Total War series and was released by SEGA on June 19, 2006.