Official Internet - resource of public transport of Almaty
Friday, 20 September 2024

Plan a journey

To find the route plan, please click on «Наблюдение за движением транспорта»

and then the route number

To find where the bus or the trolley bus is now, please click «Наблюдение за движением транспорта»

and then the route number

To search the options of a trip from point A to point B, please click om «Как доехать» 

and drag the red and green indicators on a map

To find places of sale of "Onay" electronic cards (tickets), please click on «Транспортная карта ОНАЙ», 

then « Точки распространения» 

To find where you can replenish the balance, please click on 

Then «Точки пополнения баланса»

The application allows only monitoring movement of public transport city routes