Official Internet - resource of public transport of Almaty
Tuesday, 16 July 2024


In this section you can find the scheme of movement of each route separately.

To open the route in a full size, click on a link to the route in a new tab.

As of 15.03.2019  the following routes of public transport operated in Almaty city:

Route № Description Transport type Route map
1 st. Ostroumov-2- Almaty-1 Railway Station Bus View route
2 Gorny Gigant -  Railway station Almaty-1 Bus View route
3 (night time route) Microdistrict Orbita – 2 – International Airport of Almaty City. Bus View route
4 School microdistrict Karagaily - microdistrict Duman Bus View route
5 str. Kaldayakov - village Aktobe Bus View route
Kaldayakov Street – Great Patriotic War Veterans’ Hospital Bus View route
Kaldayakov/Gibek goly – Ak Kayin Resort Bus View route
Birchwood- Dostyk/Ospanov Bus View route
7 Rakhat Confectionary Factory – Kindergarden Bus View route
8 Rayimbek metrostation- Zhas Kanat microdistrict Bus View route
10 Rayimbek  metro- Boroldai airport Bus View route
11 Duman microdistrict - village Abay (4 Dachas) Bus View route
12 Almaty-2 railway st. – Medeu Sports Center Bus View route
13 Recreation park- Almaty 1 railway station Bus View route
14 Daria microdistrict - Asyl Arman housing estate Bus View route
15 Nutlytau microdistric - Barlyk market Bus View route
16 Recreation park – Asyl Arman housing estate Bus View route
17 Microdistrict Ainabulak 3 – Duman microdistrict Bus View route
18  st. Pobeda - Toraygirova/Saina  Bus View route
19 "Nurkent" residential complex - microdistrict Kazakhfilm Bus View route
20 Microdistr. Karasu - Microdistrict Duman Bus View route
21  Stanislavsky Street– microdistrict Kok tobe Bus View route
22 Makataev Street – Market Barlyk Bus View route
23 №7 city hospital - vil. Kyrgauldy Bus View route
24 Microdistrict Madeniet - Microdistrict Ojet Bus View route
25  microdist. Sayali-2 - Baitursinov/Makataev Bus View route
26 Сity hospital No.7 - Post Bus View route
27 Zhas Kanat microdistric – Djailau microdistrict Bus View route
28 Microdistr. Orbita 2.4 - SES-2  Bus View route
29 Muztau microdistric – Ostroumov-2 str. Bus View route
29Р Kaldayakov str. -  Ecological post  Bus View route
30 Railway station Almaty-1 – Alatau village Bus View route
31 Microdistrict Kazakhfilm – Microdistrict Abay Bus View route
32 a/s Arman – Juldiz microdistrict Bus View route
33 Sayaly mcrdist. - Almerek mcsrdist. Bus View route
34 Railway station Almaty -1 – Arman a/s Bus View route
35 Karasu microdistrict - Adem-1 trading house Bus View route
36 Railway station Almaty -1 – village Mayak Bus View route
37 Mamyr microdistrict – hypermarket "Magnum" Bus View route
38 EBR -  Al-Farabi - Sayn Bus View route
39 mic.district of Dariya-str. Vakhtangov Bus View route
40 Goncharov Street -  Makataev Street Bus View route
41   microdistrict Nurshashkan– microdistrict Kokjiek Bus View route
42 Stroykombinat - Konaev str. Bus View route
44 Central Stadium -Administration of Nauryzbay district Bus View route
45 Microdistr. Shanyrak - Microdistr. Samal Bus View route
46 Bidayik str. - Almaty-1 railway station    Bus View route
47 str. Ostroumov-2 –  Barlyk Market  Bus View route
48 Gorny Gigant – Auto СSC Bus View route
50 Microdistrict Aisha Bibi - Microdistrict Akjar Bus View route
51 Rakhat Confectionary Factory - Zhuldyz microdistrict Bus View route
52 6th city complex- Kyrgauildy village Bus View route
53   The village of Kemertogan - md. Mamyr Bus View route
54 Krylov street – Aspan city residential complex Bus View route
55 market Barlyk - metro station Moscow Bus View route
56 Microdistrict Kazakhfilm – Dorozhnik microdistrict Bus View route
57 Microdistrict Sayali - palace of Republic Bus View route
59 Microdistrict Orbita-3 – Market Zhetysu Bus View route
60 Dachas – Kaldayakov Str. Bus View route
62 City hospital No. 12 – Khan Tengri/Kazygurt Bus View route
63 Konaev str. - Arman a/s Bus View route
65 Aksay 3 microdistrict - Duman microdistrict Bus View route
66 Park of 28 Panfilov Guards - Tole bi/Yassawi Bus View route
67 Microdistrict Kazakhfilm – Microdistrict Abay Bus View route
68 Almaty str-Esentai Mall"   Bus View route
69 Ulzhan microdistrict – Market Zhetysu Bus View route
70 Kok-Zhiek microdistrict - Tauly Kyrat Bus View route
71 Confectionery factory – Railway station Almaty-1 Bus View route
72 Railway station Almaty -1 – Microdistrict 6 Bus View route
73 Railway station Almaty -1 – Baltabaev str. Bus View route
74 Rakhat Confectionary Factory – Railway bridge Bus View route
77 Almaty-1 railway station - Arman bus station Bus View route
78 B.Momyshuly metro station - Zhalpaksay village Bus View route
79 Microdistrict Almerek - Zhandosov/Sain Bus View route
80 Microdistrict Ainabulak - 3,4 – Atakent Bus View route
81 Kozhabekov Street – 71st crossing loop Bus View route
85 Microdistrict Mamyr 1,7 – Microdistrict Zhuldyz Bus View route
86 Toraygyrov str. -Academy of Civil Aviation Bus View route
88 Etalon factory – Batys zirat Bus View route
92 Airport – Microdistrict Mamyr  Bus View route
95 Kok Tobe microdistrict – Market Barlyk Bus View route
98 Rayimbek metro station - Bay-Tal residence Bus View route
99 Microdistrict Akbulak – Microdistrict Kok-Tobe Bus View route
100 Asyl Arman microdistrict-Besagash Village Bus View route
101 al-Farabi avenue - Car park Bus View route
102 "Barlyk" market - Almaty-1 Railway Station Bus View route
103 "Arman" bus station – Microdistrict Shanyrak -1 Bus View route
104 Taugul 3 microdistrict - Bidaiyk Str Bus View route
104а PSC of Nauryzbay district - Kargaly microdistrict Bus View route
105 microdistrict Madeniet - Tole bi/Yassawi Bus View route
106 microdistrict Zhetysu – microdistrict Almerek Bus View route
107 Kerey Khan and Janibek Khan/Ondasynov - microdistrict Kolsay Bus View route
108 The Alma-Arasan - School №190 Bus View route
109 mcrdistr. Terecty - mcrdisrt № 6 Bus View route
110 Tole bi / Yassawy - school-lyceum №176 Bus View route
111 Kaldayakov/Zhibek Zholy Street – Kok tobe Bus View route
112 "Altyn orda" market - str. Makataev Bus View route
113 Sain street (MD. Orbit-3) - Zhetysu market Bus View route
114 str Kaldayakova - mkdist. Sulusai  Bus View route
115 md. Terekti - microdistrict Zerdeli Bus View route
115А   market Ozhet - №7 city hospital Bus View route
116 Rayimbek/Rozybakiev - Nurlytau microdistrict Bus View route
117 Sayakhat bus station - microdistrict Alatau  Bus View route
118 Central Park– Nurly/Abay Bus View route
119 microdistrict Kargaly - metro station Rayimbek Bus View route
120 Aynabulak -4 microdistrict - "Zhetysu" market  Bus View route
121 microdistr. Juldyz 1.2 - microdistr.Orbita Bus View route
122 Bus station - Rakhat village Bus View route
123 Microdistrict Kokzhiek – Rozybakiev Str. Bus View route
124 Microdistrict Tauly Kyrat – Microdistrict Vodnik Bus View route
125 Micridistr. Kok jiek - Jubanov str. Bus View route
125а School №179- microdistr. Ujet Bus View route
126 Central Park of Culture and Recreation - Kamenka microdistrict Bus View route
127 Microdistrict Kazakhfilm – Konaev str. Bus View route
128 Microdistrict Samal – Market Barlyk Bus View route
129 Rakhat Confectionary Factory – Karasu microdistrict Bus View route
131 Rakhat Confectionary Factory – Ishtvan Konyr Street Bus View route
132 microdistr. Ulzhan-2- Sairan metro station Bus View route
133 Ozhet mic.district - str Konaev/Makataeva Bus View route
133ш Novyi microdistrict - School №179   Bus View route
135 Railway station Almaty -1 – Arman bus station Bus View route
137 Nurly/Abay - shopping centre Adem-1 Bus View route
138 Adem-1 shopping Center - Zhetysu market Bus View route
141 Ecopost-microdistrict - microdistr. Ainabulak 3,4 Bus View route
142 CHP-2 - Abai/Momyshuly Bus View route
201 Almaty arena - Eastern Bypass Road Bus View route
202 Kaskelen - Sayran bus station Bus View route
203 Rayimbek metro station - Talgar village Bus View route
204 Kunaeva/Rayymbeka- Belbulak Village   Bus View route
205 Orbita - 2,4 microdistrict - "Zhetysu" market Bus View route
206 Tole bi/Yassawy - Eastern Bypass Road Bus View route
207 Metro station "Raiymbek Batyr" - Talgar    Bus View route
208 Koyankus village-Almaty railway station-2 Bus View route
209 Sport palace - "Pioneer" Mountain resort Bus View route
210 Sport palace - "Oy Karagay" mountain resort Bus View route
211 Sports Palace- Alma-arasan Bus View route
212 Shamalgan college- Almaty Mall shopping and entertainment center Bus View route
213 Kolashchy - The Big Almaty Canal Bus View route
214 Zhana Talap settlement - railway station Almaty-1 Bus View route
215 Yntymak village - microdistrict Aisha Bibi  Bus View route
217 Almaty Railway Station-1 - Ali Village Bus View route
219 ADEM-1 mall - Village Karasu Bus View route
220 village Zhetigen - metrostation Raymbek Bus View route
221 Sayahat autostation - Small Bayserke Bus View route
222 Raymbek Batyr metro station-Aiganym village Bus View route
224 Sports Palace - World Boxing Academy Bus View route
225 A/s Sayakhat - village Esik Bus View route
226 Zhanaturmys Village-str Zhandosov/Yassawy Bus View route
227 Almaty-1 railway st. - Komsomol village Bus View route
228 Otegen Batyr village - Panfilov str Bus View route
230   Tole bi/Saina - town of Kaskelen Bus View route
231   Komsomol village - b/s Sayakhat   Bus View route