Official Internet - resource of public transport of Almaty
Sunday, 23 February 2025

“Policy review of the development of the Public Transport Sector in Kazakhstan”

“Policy review of the development of the Public Transport Sector in Kazakhstan” is prepared by ETC Transport Consultants GmbH in cooperation with In cooperation with BDC Consulting under the request of the UNDP-GEF “City of Almaty sustainable transport” project. The current project aims at a wide-spanning and comprehensive policy review of the public transport sector in Kazakhstan with a focus on the urban sphere.

It builds on the preceding work of the Sustainable Urban Transport Strategy 2013-2023 for Almaty as well as subsequent proposals for legislative adjustments to facilitate an understanding of possible ways forward and enable decision-making and the improvement of financing opportunities for enhanced urban transport infrastructure.

The structure of the report focusses on describing the main findings and derived recommendations from the extensive policy and best practice research, stakeholder interviews and the expert workshop held in Almaty in July 2017. It also includes an opening section on data availability and methodologies applied throughout the review.


Policy review
Annex 2. Data review
Annex 3. Stakeholder questionnaire
Annex 4. Evaluation stakeholders interviews
Annex 5. PTA organisation benchmark
Annex 6. Case study: Lyon
Annex 7. National policies planning