Official Internet - resource of public transport of Almaty
Tuesday, 04 March 2025

Metro stations

«Raimbek Batyr» Station – subsurface station. It is located near crossing of Furmanov street and Raimbek avenue. Entries and exits to the underground lobby are located at every corner of a crossing of Furmanov street and Raimbek avenue. Two more entries-exits are located along Furmanov street, to the north of Raimbek avenue.

«Zhibek Zholy» Station - deep station. It is located near crossing of Panfilov and Gogol streets. Entries and exits to the underground lobby are located on southeast crossing of Gogol and Panfilov streets.

"Almaly" Station - deep station. It is located near crossing of Karasay Batyr and Panfilov streets. Entries and exits are located on east side of Panfilov street, to the north of Karasay Batyr street. 

"Abai" Station - deep station. It is located near crossing of Furmanov street and Abai avenue. Entries and exits are located to the east of Furmanov street, on crossing with Tulebaev street, on northern and southern sides of Abai avenue.

"Baykonyr" Station - deep station. It is located near crossing of Abai avenue and Baitursynov street. Entries and exits to the underground lobby are located along Baitursynov street on southeast and southwest crossing with Abai avenue. 

«Auezov Dramatic Theatre» Station - deep station. It is located near crossing of Abai avenue and Mukanov street. Entries and exits to the underground lobby are located on northern and southern sides of Abai avenue near Zhandosov street. The pedestrian crossing located across Abai avenue goes to the lobby. 

"Alatau" Station - subsurface station. It is located to the south of Abai avenue, between Zharokov and Gagarin streets. Entries and exits are located along Abai avenue, Gagarin and Zharokov streets. The pedestrian crossing located across Abai avenue goes to the lobby №1. Underground lobbies are located on both sides of the platform.

"Sairan" Station is located under Abai avenue under traffic way between Brusilovsky and Tlendiev streets in Bostandyksky district.

"Moscow" Station is located under Abai avenue under traffic way between Utegen Batyr street and Altynsarin avenue in Auezovsky district.

More detailed information on metro stations can be found in the link: